Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Лингвострановедение. История символики Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.


Главная цель лингвострановеденияОбеспечение коммуникативной компетенции вактах межкультурной коммуникации, преждевсего через адекватное восприятие речисобеседника и понимание оригинальныхТекстов.

Слайд 1Элементы мотивации на уроках английского языка. Лингвострановедение.

Элементы мотивации на уроках английского языка. Лингвострановедение.

Слайд 2Главная цель лингвострановедения
Обеспечение коммуникативной компетенции в
актах межкультурной коммуникации, прежде
всего через адекватное

восприятие речи
собеседника и понимание оригинальных
Главная цель лингвострановеденияОбеспечение коммуникативной компетенции вактах межкультурной коммуникации, преждевсего через адекватное восприятие речисобеседника и понимание оригинальныхТекстов.

Слайд 3Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

and its History
Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  and its History

Слайд 4 The area of settlement of the Celts (1500 – 400s

The area of settlement of the Celts (1500 – 400s BC)

Слайд 5The fifth century AD:  
Red – Brits

Green – Scott

Blue - Picts

The fifth century AD:  Red – BritsGreen – ScottBlue - Picts

Слайд 6The druids believed shamrock was a symbol of fertility and recovery,

dissipated its ash over arable land during the spring festival.
The druids believed shamrock was a symbol of fertility and recovery, dissipated its ash over arable land

Слайд 7From the first to the fifth century the territory of Celts

was a part of the Roman Empire
From the first to the fifth century the territory of Celts was a part of the Roman

Слайд 8 In the 4th century St. Patrick spread Christianity to Ireland

(Shamrock became a symbol of the Holy Trinity).
In the 4th century St. Patrick spread Christianity to Ireland (Shamrock became a symbol of the

Слайд 9Saint Andrews was the ecclesiastical capital of Scotland for a long

time. According to legend the Holy relics of the Apostle Andrew appeared here by accident in the 4th century.
Saint Andrews was the ecclesiastical capital of Scotland for a long time. According to legend the Holy

Слайд 10From the 5th to the 11th century – Anglo-Saxon period of

British history
From the 5th to the 11th century – Anglo-Saxon period of British history

Слайд 11In the 6th century Celt St. David was preaching in Wales.

He established a monastery of Saint David in South-West Wales.
In the 6th century Celt St. David was preaching in Wales. He established a monastery of Saint

Слайд 12  In 829 the king of Wessex, Egbert united the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms,

the kingdom was called England. 
  In 829 the king of Wessex, Egbert united the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, the kingdom was called England. 

Слайд 13According to legend in the 8th century thistle saved Scots-highlanders from

the Vikings.
According to legend in the 8th century thistle saved Scots-highlanders from the Vikings.

Слайд 14In 1066 The Normans led by William conquered England

In 1066 The Normans led by William conquered England

Слайд 15Richard The Lionheart (the leader of the 3d crusade in the

12th century) chose his patron Saint George.
Richard The Lionheart (the leader of the 3d crusade in the 12th century) chose his patron Saint

Слайд 161455 – 1487 - Wars of Roses (red and white). Henry

VII Tudor became a king.
1455 – 1487 - Wars of Roses (red and white). Henry VII Tudor became a king.

Слайд 17Henry VIII Tudor oversaw the legal union of England and Wales with the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–42.

Henry VIII Tudor oversaw the legal union of England and Wales with the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–42.

Слайд 18The Acts of Union in 1707 served to join England and

Scotland into a single kingdom with a single Parliament. Anna Stuart ruled the country Great Britain.
The Acts of Union in 1707 served to join England and Scotland into a single kingdom with

Слайд 19In 1783 the king George III created the Order of St. Patrick, the

cross of St. Patrick became one of the symbols of the Order.  
In 1783 the king George III created the Order of St. Patrick, the cross of St. Patrick became one

Слайд 20The Acts of Union in 1800 united the Kingdom of Great

Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
The Acts of Union in 1800 united the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland

Слайд 21In 1922 the most part of Ireland separated and the country

was called The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
In 1922 the most part of Ireland separated and the country was called The United Kingdom of

Слайд 22 The countries of the UK and their geographical position

The countries of the UK and their 						geographical position

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