Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Олимпийские игры (тестирование)


1. What colours make up the Olympic rings?

Слайд 1Olympic games

Olympic games

Слайд 21. What colours make up the Olympic rings?

1. What colours make up the Olympic rings?

Слайд 3Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green

Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green

Слайд 42. Which Olympic sport is played with stones and brooms?

2. Which Olympic sport is played with stones and brooms?

Слайд 5


Слайд 63. Gold, silver and bronze. What do participants who achieve 4th

to 8th place receive?
3. Gold, silver and bronze. What do participants who achieve 4th to 8th place receive?

Слайд 7A diploma

A diploma

Слайд 84. What is the highest score a judge can award in

Figure skating?
4. What is the highest score a judge can award in Figure skating?

Слайд 105. What is the only sport to have been played on

the surface of the moon?

5. What is the only sport to have been played on the surface of the moon?

Слайд 11
Golf. In 1971, astronaut Alan Shepherd hit 2 golf balls to

see how far they might travel.
Golf. In 1971, astronaut Alan Shepherd hit 2 golf balls to see how far they might travel.

Слайд 126. Which sport did James Naismith invent?

6. Which sport did James Naismith invent?

Слайд 13


Слайд 147. In which discipline did the father of the modern olympics,

Pierre de Coubertin, win an olympic gold medal?

7. In which discipline did the father of the modern olympics, Pierre de Coubertin, win an olympic

Слайд 15Literature, for his song «Ode to sport»

Literature, for his song «Ode to sport»

Слайд 168. Which piece of sporting equipment is 7.6 cm in diameter

and weighs 105-185 grams?

8. Which piece of sporting equipment is 7.6 cm in diameter and weighs 105-185 grams?

Слайд 17
An ice hockey puck

An ice hockey puck

Слайд 189. In which country did Ice Hockey originate?  

9. In which country did Ice Hockey originate?  

Слайд 2010. What was the name of the mascot of the 1980

Moscow Olympics?

10. What was the name of the mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics?

Слайд 21Misha the bear

Misha the bear

Слайд 2211. Which one of the 5 continents that compete in the

Olympic games have never held the Olympic Games?

11. Which one of the 5 continents that compete in the Olympic games have never held the

Слайд 2412. Which sport combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting?

12. Which sport combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting?

Слайд 25Biathlon


Слайд 2613. Name the 2 cities in the Southern Hemisphere that have

hosted the Olympics?

13. Name the 2 cities in the Southern Hemisphere that have hosted the Olympics?

Слайд 27Melbourne

Sydney &

MelbourneSydney &

Слайд 2814. The invasion of which country caused a boycott of the

Moscow Olympics in 1980?

14. The invasion of which country caused a boycott of the Moscow Olympics in 1980?

Слайд 29Afghanistan


Слайд 3015. Which country always leads the parade of participants at the

Olympic Games?

15. Which country always leads the parade of participants at the Olympic Games?

Слайд 3216. In which sport did Irina Rodnina win 23 World, Olympic

and European gold medals?
16. In which sport did Irina Rodnina win 23 World, Olympic and European gold medals?

Слайд 33Ice Skating

Ice Skating

Слайд 3417. How many competitors form a team in Bobsleigh racing?

17. How many competitors form a team in Bobsleigh racing?

Слайд 352 or
2 or 4


2 or2 or 44

Слайд 3618. In ice hockey, what is the sin bin?

18. In ice hockey, what is the sin bin?

Слайд 37The penalty box where players infringing the rules sit out

The penalty box where players infringing the rules sit out

Слайд 3819.In ice-skating what is tracing?

19.In ice-skating what is tracing?

Слайд 39The marks made on the ice by the skate

The marks made on the ice by the skate

Слайд 4020. Does tennis service begin in the left or right court?

20. Does tennis service begin in the left or right court?

Слайд 41The Right

The Right

Слайд 4221. How many holes are there in a tenpin bowling ball?

21. How many holes are there in a tenpin bowling ball?

Слайд 4422. In which country will the 2014 football World cup be


22. In which country will the 2014 football World cup be held?

Слайд 4623. At which type of race do you not cross the

finishing line?

23. At which type of race do you not cross the finishing line?

Слайд 47Swimming


Слайд 4824. Which sports playing area is 2.7 metres by 1.5 metres?

24. Which sports playing area is 2.7 metres by 1.5 metres?

Слайд 49Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Слайд 5025. Which sport is played on the largest pitch?

25. Which sport is played on the largest pitch?

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