Слайд 1
THE Ecological problems IN murmansk region!
Слайд 2The object of the study is the ecological situation in the
The subject of the study is the ecological problems of the Murmansk region.
The hypothesis are that there are some environmental problems associated with the pollution of the atmosphere, water soil at the moment in the Murmansk region, but the authorities in the region are trying to solve them.
The aim is:
to identify the features of solving environmental problems in the Murmansk region.
Слайд 3The problems of my research are:
1. To study the specialized
literature of the research.
2. To clarify the origin of the term "ecology" and "environmental problems".
3. To identify the main environmental problems of the Murmansk region.
4. To determine the position to the environmental problems in the Murmansk region.
5. To find out the sources and consequences of environmental problems in the Murmansk region.
6. To find out how the environmental problems of the Murmansk region are being addressed at the moment.
7. To make the conclusion about the state of the ecology of the Murmansk region at the moment.
The research methods are: analysis of specialized literature, generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis.
Слайд 4The conclusion
1. The origin of the terms "ecology" and "environmental
problems" is clarified.
2. It is determined that the main environmental problems of the Murmansk region are air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution.
3. My position about the environmental problems of the Murmansk region has been determined.
4. The sources and consequences of environmental problems in the Murmansk region have been clarified. The typical sources of pollution are: the mining industry, energy complex enterprises, military and military industrial facilities, port facilities, domestic sewage and waste, but the consequences are greater.
5. It is clarified how the environmental problems of the Murmansk region are currently being addressed. The state of the Russian Federation, the government of the Murmansk region, and the enterprises that have damaged the nature, are doing everything possible to prevent new or reduce existing environmental pollution in the region.
Слайд 5 Air pollution
Soil pollution
Water pollution
The main environmental problems
of the Murmansk region.
Слайд 6 Sources of the environmental problems.
Слайд 7 Consequences of the environmental problem – the air pollution.
"lunar landscapes"
Слайд 8 Umbozero lake
Imandra lake
Lovozero lake
Kola river
Kola Bay
of the environmental problem – the water pollution.
Слайд 9 Consequences of the environmental problem – the soil pollution.
Слайд 10Murmansk TPP
Kola MMC
How this ecological problem is solved – the
air pollution.
Слайд 11 How this ecological problem is solved – the water pollution.
Слайд 12 How this ecological problem is solved – the soil pollution.
Слайд 13The conclusion
A beautiful and so unique nature of the Kola
Peninsula is under the most severe press of economic activity of a human. The Murmansk region, despite the tremendous efforts made to solve environmental problems, still remains one of the most troubled regions of Russia and northern Europe. But, having carefully studied the efforts aimed at preserving nature in the region, we understand that it is possible soon, we will be able to correct this situation.
Слайд 14Practical importance:
This research work examines the main environmental problems of the
Murmansk region: air, water and soil pollution. It describes in detail the sources of pollution, their consequences and what has already been done to solve them.
At the moment, the youth of the Murmansk region knows just some facts about the environmental problems of our native land. Therefore, I believe it is necessary to have various ecology lessons, to form a proper attitude to the environmental problems not only of our land, but also of our Earth. Another effective way to solve this problem is a leaflet for students that I have done. And it has already made a lot of students of "Gymnasium 10" to think about the environmental problems of the Murmansk region.
In addition, I think my work will help to create the international association with children from neighboring countries, for example Finland and Norway. And we will try to improve the environmental situation in the Murmansk region and we will safe our world.
Слайд 15The list of literature
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2. Официальный сайт Министерства Природных Ресурсов и Экологии Мурманской области «Доклад о состоянии и об охране окружающей среды Мурманской области в 2016 г.». [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://mpr.gov-murman.ru/upload/iblock/b02/doklad_2017.pdf
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