Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Сказочные герои

Baba Yaga is a folk Russian hero. She is generous. She gives brave and honest heroes generous gifts. She usually helps them, but sometimes she is angry. She has straight shoulder-length hair and thin lips. She



Слайд 2Baba Yaga is a folk Russian hero. She is generous. She

gives brave and honest heroes generous gifts. She usually helps them, but sometimes she is angry.
She has straight shoulder-length hair and thin lips. She is slim and old. She is polite and very helpful.

Baba Yaga is a folk Russian hero. She is generous. She gives brave and honest heroes generous

Слайд 3Vasilisa is a folk Russian hero. She is pretty, patient, intelligent,

attentive, kind, polite, caring. She has straight hair, full lips, blue eyes. She is slim, young. Princess Vasilisa marries Prince Ivan.
Vasilisa is a folk Russian hero. She is pretty, patient, intelligent, attentive, kind, polite, caring. She has

Слайд 4Ivan the Fool is a folk Russian hero. He is cleaver,

strong, kind, brave, caring and honest. He has fair curly hair, thin lips. Ivan is slim and tall. In Russian tales Prince Ivan marries Princess Vasilisa. Ivan the Fool has many mysterious, adventures in the fairy tale
Ivan the Fool is a folk Russian hero. He is cleaver, strong, kind, brave, caring and honest.

Слайд 5Snow Maiden is a Russian folk hero. She is a cold

young beauty. She is attentive, caring, creative, sociable, intelligent, polite and generous. She is a daughter of Frost and Spring. She lives in Kostroma.

Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden is a Russian folk hero. She is a cold young beauty. She is attentive, caring,

Слайд 6Koschei is ungenerous,inhospitable,impatient,angry, cunning and proud.

He is old ugly,tall and slim. Koschei had much gold.
Koschei is ungenerous,inhospitable,impatient,angry, cunning and proud.

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