Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Socialising

TODAY WE ARE GOING TO:Understand character adjectivesUnderstand idiomsPractise using idiomsPractise Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, be going to.



Understand character adjectives
Understand idioms
Practise using idioms
Practise Present

Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple, be going to.

TODAY WE ARE GOING TO:Understand character adjectivesUnderstand idiomsPractise using idiomsPractise Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous, Past

Shy – застенчивый
easy-going – добродушный
bossy – властный
Patient –

Sociable – общительный
stubborn – упрямый
Selfish - самолюбивый
Optimistic – оптимистичный
CHARACTER ADJECTIVES:Shy – застенчивый easy-going – добродушный bossy – властныйPatient – терпеливыйSociable – общительный stubborn – упрямыйSelfish

Слайд 4Read the descriptions and fill in the correct character adjectives

shy, easy-going, bossy, patient, sociable, stubborn, selfish, optimistic, caring.
1. Claire is always calm in difficult situations. She is… .
2. Sue always wants to do her own way. She is… .
3. Bob rarely gets upset and he likes meeting people. He… and… .
4. Tony doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. He is… .
5. Bill doesn’t feel comfortable with people. He is… .
6. Helen always looks on the bright side of life. She is… .
7. Fred always understands how others feel, always stays calm and doesn’t get annoyed with people easily. He worries a lot about what others think of him. He is… and…
8. John is so … . He likes telling people what to do.
Read the descriptions and fill in the correct character adjectives Use: shy, easy-going,  bossy, patient, sociable,

Слайд 5
Sociable, easy-going

PatientStubbornSociable, easy-goingSelfishShyOptimisticCaringBossy

Слайд 6 Idioms

To speak one’s mind - выражать свое мнение

hold one’s tongue-замолчать, прекратить разговор
Idioms To speak one’s mind - выражать свое мнение To hold one’s tongue-замолчать, прекратить разговор

Слайд 7

To drive someone crazy-сводить с ума, злить
To break the ice-нарушить молчание,

разрядить обстановку
To drive someone crazy-сводить с ума, злитьTo break the ice-нарушить молчание, разрядить обстановку

Слайд 8

To be a pain in the neck-быть назойливым
To get on

someone’s nerves-доводить, действовать на нервы
To  be a pain in the neck-быть назойливымTo get on someone’s nerves-доводить, действовать на нервы

Слайд 91. I don’t trust her. She can’t….. her…
2. My brother is

a real… in the… .
He is always causing so much trouble.
3. Please turn this loud music down .It’s….me… .
4. My friend is so bossy. She really …on my… .
5. I’m shy and I find it difficult to…the… .
6. Kim is optimistic and easy-going.
She is never afraid to…her … .

Use the idioms to complete the sentences.

keep tongue

pain in the neck

driving crazy

gets on my nerves

break the ice

speak …mind

1. I don’t trust her. She can’t….. her…2. My brother is a real… in the… .

Слайд 10Grammar quiz
1. I
have been studying
(study) English for five years.

2. George

was cooking

(cook) a meal when the telephone rang.

3. I’m really tired. I think I

will have

(have) early night.

4. This flower


(smell) well

5. Pam

is always coming

(always/come) late!

6. Tie your showlaces. You

are going to trip

(trip) over them.

7. Oh no! I

have lost

(loose) my keys again.

8. Tom


(walk) his dog every day after school.

9. We

are thinking

(think) of buying a new car.

10. The concert


(start) at 9 p.m.

Grammar quiz1. I have been studying (study) English for five years. 2. George was cooking (cook) a

Слайд 11THANK YOU!!!


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