Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Уэльс


Английский язык7 класс

Слайд 1Цель урока: Введение новой лексики. Изучение правила употребления Simple Past.
Тип урока:

Введение нового материала
Вид урока: Урок-лекция
Оснащение: компьютер, демонстрационный телевизор, презентация в PowerPoint
Ход урока:
Орг.момент: (3 минуты)
Постановка цели (3 минуты)
Изучение нового материала (20 минут)
Обобщение и закрепление изученного материала (10 минут)
Подведение итогов урока.(4 минуты)

План урока Тема урока: Уэльс. Изучение правила употребления Simple Past.

Цель урока: Введение новой лексики. Изучение правила употребления Simple Past.Тип урока: Введение нового материалаВид урока: Урок-лекцияОснащение: компьютер,

Слайд 2Английский язык

7 класс

Английский язык7 класс

Слайд 3
Изучение правила употребления Simple Past

Wales Изучение правила употребления Simple Past

Слайд 4
What does this word mean?

«Welsh»What does this word mean?Введение

Слайд 5Wales is part of Britain and the United Kingdom.
It's situated to

the west of England and is around 256 km long and 96 km wide.
It covers just over 20,720 km² - that's about the same size as half the size of Switzerland.

General facts

Wales is part of Britain and the United Kingdom.It's situated to the west of England and is

Слайд 6 Motto: Cymru am byth (English: Wales for ever)

National anthem


Motto: Cymru am byth (English: Wales for ever) National anthemFlag

Слайд 7Cardiff - the capital

Cardiff - the capital

Слайд 8The Welsh language

The Welsh language

Слайд 9St. David – Patron of Wales

On the 1st of March the

Welsh celebrate the life of their patron saint, St David, who died on that day in 589AD.

St. David – Patron of WalesOn the 1st of March the Welsh celebrate the life of their

Слайд 10To mark the day, Welsh people wear one or both of

their national emblems - a daffodil.
Some people wear traditional costumes.

St David’s Day

To mark the day, Welsh people wear one or both of their national emblems - a daffodil.Some people

Слайд 11 Landscape


Слайд 12National Parks

National Parks

Слайд 13There are more than 600 castles in Wales. That's more castles

per square mile than any other country in the world.


There are more than 600 castles in Wales. That's more castles per square mile than any other

Слайд 15Traditional food
Welsh Cawl
Welsh cakes

Traditional foodWelsh CawlWelsh cakes

Слайд 16 National sport

National sportRugby

Слайд 17Past Simple Tense – простое прошедшее время

Past Simple Tense – простое прошедшее время

Слайд 18Past Simple Tense – простое прошедшее время

Past Simple Tense – простое прошедшее время

Слайд 19Слова-спутники прошедшего времени

yesterday - вчера
the day before yesterday - позавчера
last month – в прошлом месяце
last year – в прошлом году
last week – на прошлой неделе
a year ago – год назад
a week ago – неделю назад
in 2009 – в 2009 году
Слова-спутники прошедшего времени             yesterday -

Слайд 20 Все глаголы делятся на
правильные и неправильные

like – liked
watch – watched
play – played
count – counted

sleep – slept
swim – swam
go – went
have – had

Все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные     правильныеlike – liked watch

Слайд 21Глагол – связка to be
1. I was
2. You were
3. He was

She was
It was

1. We were
2. You were
3. They were

Глагол – связка to be1. I was2. You were3. He was  She was  It was1.

Слайд 22Отрицательные формы глагола to be
was not = wasn’t
were not = weren’t

Отрицательные формы глагола to bewas not = wasn’twere not = weren’t

Слайд 23Past Simple
Чтобы задать вопрос или составить
отрицательное предложение

на помощь
приходит вспомогательный глагол
Past Simple   Чтобы задать вопрос или составить отрицательное предложение на помощь    приходит

Слайд 24Past Simple




Ann danced at the

party yesterday.

Tom did not dance at the party.
(did not= didn’t)

Past Simple+-VedV2VdidSVP- 	SPnot  Ann   danced   at the party yesterday. Tom

Слайд 25Past Simple
Общий вопрос

Специальный вопрос















Did Tom dance yesterday?

Where did Tom dance yesterday?

Past Simple   Yes/noОбщий вопрос         Wh-?Специальный вопрос?didV?VSPDidVSVP??

Слайд 26Past Simple


Ann danced at the

party yesterday.




Who danced at the party yesterday?


Вопрос к подлежащему

Past Simple+VedV2SP  Ann   danced   at the party yesterday.VedV2?P Who   danced

Слайд 27a language – иностранный язык
a landscape – пейзаж
a park –

a castle – замок
rugby – регби
traditional food – традиционная еда

New words

a language – иностранный языкa landscape – пейзаж a park – паркa castle – замокrugby – регбиtraditional

Слайд 28He (to go) to Moscow.
I (to think) about him.

(to know) that he was in that city.
We (to see) him there.
We (to be) there.

Self study Образуйте Past Simple

He (to go) to Moscow. I (to think) about him. I (to know) that he was in

Слайд 29He went to Moscow.
I thought about him.
I knew that

he was in that city.
We saw him there.
We were there.

Self study Правильный вариант

He went to Moscow. I thought about him. I knew that he was in that city. We

Слайд 30Составитель презентации Щеголихин Вячеслав Викторович

Составитель презентации Щеголихин Вячеслав Викторович

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