Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему: Распорядок дня (6 класс)

Module 4 Day after day Listen, read and talk about• daily routines• entertainment & TV programmes• a perfect day• Britain's Teens' leisure activitiesLearn how to talk about routines and habitstalk about entertainment preferencestalk about

Слайд 1The 10th of December Monday

The 10th of December MondayClasswork

Слайд 2Module 4 Day after day
Listen, read and talk about

daily routines
• entertainment & TV programmes
• a perfect day
• Britain's Teens' leisure activities

Learn how to
talk about routines and habits
talk about entertainment preferences
talk about your perfect day

present simple affirmative, negative, interrogative & short answers
adverbs, linkers
I like/I don't like

Module 4   Day after day Listen, read and talk about• daily routines• entertainment & TV

Слайд 3Our objectives for today are:

Our objectives for today are:

Слайд 4brush teeth
play sports
have breakfast
have dinner
go to bed
go to school
have lessons

at school
brush teethplay sportshave breakfasthave dinnergo to bedgo to schoolhave lessons    at school

Слайд 6Harry Potter’s

Harry Potter’sroutine

Слайд 7H

dormitory ['dɔːmɪt(ə)rɪ]
общая спальня
greenhouse ['griːnhaus]
common room
комната отдыха
dungeon ['dʌnʤ(ə)n]
подземная тюрьма

HARRYPOTTERdormitory ['dɔːmɪt(ə)rɪ]общая спальняgreenhouse ['griːnhaus]оранжереяcommon room ['kɔmənˌrum]комната отдыхаdungeon ['dʌnʤ(ə)n]подземная тюрьма

Слайд 8I know…
Now I can…
It was interesting to…(V)
It was difficult to…(V)
I was

good at…(Ving)

I know…Now I can…It was interesting to…(V)It was difficult to…(V)I was good at…(Ving)

Слайд 9Daily routine

Daily routine

Слайд 10 reveille /rɪˈvælɪ/
barracks /ˈbærəks/
morning inspection /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ ɪnˈspekʃn/
independent work

/ˌɪndɪˈpendənt wɜːrk/
evening roll-call /ˈiːvnɪŋ rəʊl kɔːl/
lights out /laɪts aʊt/

Read and repeat the words:

reveille /rɪˈvælɪ/ barracks /ˈbærəks/ morning inspection /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ ɪnˈspekʃn/ independent work /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt wɜːrk/ evening roll-call /ˈiːvnɪŋ rəʊl

Слайд 11Working day: match the daily activities of a schoolboy and a


Compare the pictures

Independent work

Lights out


Getting up

Doing home-work

Going to bed

Working day: match the daily activities of a schoolboy and a suvoroviteCompare the picturesIndependent workLights outReveilleGetting upDoing

Слайд 12New words:
BMT (Basic Military Training)– начальная военная подготовка
Drill (training) –строевая подготовка

training - огневая подготовка
New words:BMT (Basic Military Training)– начальная военная подготовкаDrill (training) –строевая подготовкаweapon training - огневая подготовка

Слайд 13Complete the sentences about you:
1. We live in ….
2. We train

with arms in ….
3. In …. we march, stand at attention, and learn basic military skills.
4. Sergeant Yakshin is an instructor in …

BMT, weapon training, barracks, drill

Complete the sentences about you:1. We live in ….2. We train with arms in ….3. In ….

Слайд 14Answer the questions:
Do suvorovites wear a uniform?
Do suvorovites go home

every day?
Do they have basic training?
Do they train with weapons?
Do they live at home?
Do they sleep in barracks?
Answer the questions:Do suvorovites wear a uniform? Do suvorovites go home every day?Do they have basic training?Do

Слайд 15I know…
Now I can…
It was interesting to…(V)
It was difficult to…(V)
I was

good at…(Ving)

I know…Now I can…It was interesting to…(V)It was difficult to…(V)I was good at…(Ving)

Слайд 16Home assignment
To complete the text (card)
*To talk about this family
To learn

new words 4a
Home assignmentTo complete the text (card)*To talk about this familyTo learn new words 4a

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