Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему ЕГЭ Задание С2 Эссе



Слайд 1kamil_kamil@mail.ru
What is your opinion?
kamil_kamil@mail.ru kamil-2008.narod.ru
Задание С 2 Сочинение

kamil_kamil@mail.ru What is your opinion?kamil_kamil@mail.ru kamil-2008.narod.ruKЗадание С 2 Сочинение*

Слайд 2kamil_kamil@mail.ru


Слайд 3K
Use the following plan:
 make an introduction (state the problem)
 express

your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

 express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

 explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

 make a conclusion restating your position



KKamilUse the following plan: make an introduction (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2–3

Слайд 4kamil_kamil@mail.ru
200-250 слов( ± 10 % т.е. 180- 275 слов). Если кол-во

слов менее 180- работа аннулируется и не оценивается.

179 слов

0 баллов



kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamil200-250 слов( ± 10 % т.е. 180- 275 слов). Если кол-во слов менее 180- работа аннулируется и

Слайд 5kamil_kamil@mail.ru
Если количество слов более 275- отсчитываются 250 слов, а остальная часть

сочинения не проверяется. В данном случае снижаются баллы за отсутствие завершающих фраз или заключительной части.




kamil_kamil@mail.ruЕсли количество слов более 275- отсчитываются 250 слов, а остальная часть сочинения не проверяется. В данном случае

Слайд 6kamil_kamil@mail.ru

Более 275 слов
Баллы снижаются
250 слов

kamil_kamil@mail.ruБолее 275 словБаллы снижаются!KamilK250 слов*

Слайд 7kamil_kamil@mail.ru

Время выполнения задания- 60 минут

kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamilВремя выполнения задания- 60 минут*

Слайд 8*
C 1- 6 points C 2- 14 points
C 1 –

informal (the target reader is your peer)
C 2- formal (the target reader is the teacher)
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamilC 1- 6 points C 2- 14 points Language:C 1 – informal (the target reader is your

Слайд 9kamil_kamil@mail.ru
С 2.Comment on the following statement.
Some people think that extreme sports

help to build character.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200–250 words.


kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamilС 2.Comment on the following statement.Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.What is your

Слайд 10kamil_kamil@mail.ru
Use the following plan:
 make an introduction (state the problem)
 express

your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
 express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing
 explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
 make a conclusion restating your position


kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamilUse the following plan: make an introduction (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2–3

Слайд 11kamil_kamil@mail.ru
Порядок определения процента текстуальных совпадений в задании С2.
При оценивании задания С2

особое внимание уделяется способности экзаменуемого продуцировать развёрнутое письменное высказывание. Если более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т.е. текстуально
совпадает с опубликованным источником), то выставляется 0 баллов по
критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи», и, соответственно, всё
задание оценивается в 0 баллов.


kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamilПорядок определения процента текстуальных совпадений в задании С2.При оценивании задания С2 особое внимание уделяется способности экзаменуемого продуцировать

Слайд 12kamil_kamil@mail.ru

Текстуальным совпадением считается дословное совпадение отрезка письменной речи длиной 10 слов

и более.
Выявленные текстуальные совпадения суммируются, и при превышении ими 30% от общего числа слов в ответе, работа оценивается в 0 баллов.




kamil_kamil@mail.ruТекстуальным совпадением считается дословное совпадение отрезка письменной речи длиной 10 слов и более.Выявленные текстуальные совпадения суммируются, и

Слайд 13kamil_kamil@mail.ru
Linking words and phrases
При проверке заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание

уделяется правильному использованию средств логической связи.


Linking words help you to connect ideas and sentences, so that people can follow your ideas.

kamil_kamil@mail.ruKKamilLinking words and phrasesПри проверке заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание уделяется правильному использованию средств логической связи.*Linking

Слайд 14*
Putting your ideas in the right order
 Words that help put your

ideas in order
firstly, then , so far, secondly, in the end, next, eventually, subsequently, at last, at length, afterwards
Words for exceptions
only, if, unless, except (for), save for
Making points and giving examples
Words to use to argue and make points
consequently, thus, so, as a result, because, as, hence, therefore, since, until, whenever, accordingly, as long as

*kamil_kamil@mail.ruPutting your ideas in the right order Words that help put your ideas in orderfirstly, then , so

Слайд 15*
Words to help you give examples
for example, for instance, such as,

take the case of, thus, as (evidence), to show that, as revealed by
Words for extra points or ideas
and, too, what is more, also, furthermore, and then, again, moreover, as well as, in addition
Words which help you emphasize points
above all, in particular, notably, specifically, indeed, more important, especially, in fact
Being persuasive and analytical
Words to persuade
of course, naturally, obviously, clearly, certainly, surely, evidently

*kamil_kamil@mail.ruWords to help you give examplesfor example, for instance, such as, take the case of, thus, as

Слайд 16*
Words to help you show an opinion or analyze
it would seem,

to suggest, one might conclude/propose/deduce/imply/say/ consider
Comparing and contrasting
Words to make a contrast or show what is different
but , nevertheless, alternatively, despite this, on the contrary, however, yet , the opposite, instead, whereas, to turn to , although, still, on the other hand
Words to compare things or show what is the same
equally, in the same way, as with, likewise, similarly, compared with, an equivalent

*kamil_kamil@mail.ruWords to help you show an opinion or analyzeit would seem, to suggest, one might conclude/propose/deduce/imply/say/ considerComparing

Слайд 17*
Essay endings
Words to sum up or end with
in brief, in summary,

throughout, in all, on the whole, to sum up, overall , finally, to conclude, to recap, in the end
Paragraphs are necessary to give the readers a rest and help them to follow the writer's meaning.
Paragraphs are groups of sentences connected by the same topic. Each paragraph carries a main idea.
The main sentence of a paragraph is often found at the beginning and it is called a topic sentence.

*kamil_kamil@mail.ruEssay endingsWords to sum up or end within brief, in summary, throughout, in all, on the whole,

Слайд 18*
For example:
Successful students plan their revision in each subject.
They plan how

much time they have available and then try to cover a number of areas in each Subject.
Any paragraphs following the first paragraph will need to begin on a new line.
You can link your paragraphs together skilfully by using the connecting words found in the boxes on this page.
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruFor example:Successful students plan their revision in each subject.They plan how much time they have available and

Слайд 19*
Linking words help you to connect ideas and sentences, so that

people can follow your ideas.
Giving examples
For example For instance Namely
The most common way of giving examples is by using for example or for instance.
Namely refers to something by name. "There are two problems: namely, the expense and the time."
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruLinking words help you to connect ideas and sentences, so that people can follow your ideas.Giving examplesFor

Слайд 20*
Adding information
And In addition As well as Also Too Furthermore Moreover Apart from In addition to Besides

*kamil_kamil@mail.ruAdding informationAnd In addition As well as Also Too Furthermore Moreover Apart from In addition to Besides

Слайд 21*
In short In brief In summary To summarize In a nutshell To conclude In conclusion

*kamil_kamil@mail.ruSummarizing In short In brief In summary To summarize In a nutshell To conclude In conclusion

Слайд 22*
Sequencing ideas
The former, … the latter Firstly, secondly, finally The first point is Lastly The

The former and the latter are useful when you want to refer to one of two points.
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruSequencing ideas The former, … the latter Firstly, secondly, finally The first point is Lastly The followingThe

Слайд 23*
Giving a reason
Due to / due to the fact that Owing to

/ owing to the fact that Because Because of Since As
Due to and owing to must be followed by a noun..
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruGiving a reason Due to / due to the fact that Owing to / owing to the

Слайд 24*
Giving a result
Therefore So Consequently This means that As a result
Therefore, so, consequently and as

a result are all used in a similar way.
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruGiving a result Therefore So Consequently This means that As a resultTherefore, so, consequently and as a

Слайд 25*
Contrasting ideas
But, However Although / even though Despite / despite the fact that In

spite of / in spite of the fact that Nevertheless Nonetheless While Whereas Unlike In theory… in practice…
But is more informal than however. It is not normally used at the beginning of a sentence.
*kamil_kamil@mail.ruContrasting ideasBut, However Although / even though Despite / despite the fact that In spite of /

Слайд 26*
"He works hard, but he doesn't earn much." "He works hard. However,

he doesn't earn much."

Although, despite and in spite of introduce an idea of contrast. With these words, you must have two halves of a sentence.
"Although it was cold, she went out in shorts." "In spite of the cold, she went out in shorts."


Слайд 27kamil_kamil@mail.ru


Слайд 28kamil_kamil@mail.ru
Ask for more

kamil_kamil@mail.ruKamilKGOOD LUCK!Ask for morekamil_kamil@mail.ru*

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