Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Праздники в Великобритании

31st December New Year’s Eve 1st January New Year’s Day People celebrate New Year. They have parties, fireworks, singing and dancing. As the clock - Big Ben in London strikes midnight, people link arms and sing

Слайд 1Holidays in Great Britain

Holidays in Great Britain

Слайд 331st December New Year’s Eve 1st January New Year’s Day People celebrate New

Year. They have parties, fireworks, singing and dancing. As the clock - Big Ben in London strikes midnight, people link arms and sing a song called Auld Lang Syne.
31st December New Year’s Eve 1st January New Year’s Day People celebrate New Year. They have parties,

Слайд 4January 25th Burns Night. It is annually celebrated in Scotland. It

commemorates the life of the poet Robert Burns. At Burns' Night men wear kilts. The traditional food are cock-a-leekie soup (chicken and leek soup), haggis, mashed turnips or potatoes. Whisky is the traditional drink.
January 25th  Burns Night. It is annually celebrated in Scotland. It commemorates the life of the poet

Слайд 5February 14th Valentine's Day People celebrate Valentines Day by giving flowers, candy

and cards to those they love.
February 14th  Valentine's Day People celebrate Valentines Day by giving flowers, candy and cards to those

Слайд 6 March 1st St David's Day. St David is the patron saint

of Wales. He spread Christianity across Wales. St David's Day is commemorated by the wearing of daffodils or leeks.
March 1st  St David's Day. St David is the patron saint of Wales. He spread

Слайд 7March 17th St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick is the patron saint

of Ireland . He is famous for bringing Christianity into Ireland, he used shamrock leaves to explain the meaning of the Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). It is celebrated by dancing and singing in Irish pubs, watching St. Patrick’s Day parade, drinking ‘green’ beer, wearing green clothes and having a good time.  
March 17th  St. Patrick's Day  St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland . He

Слайд 8Easter Easter is the time when Christians remember the last week of

Jesus' life, his death and coming to life again. It is traditional to eat warm 'hot cross buns' on Good Friday. Small chocolate eggs are hidden by Easter Bunny for the children to find on the Easter Egg Hunt. They also decorate eggs and they are rolled down a hill.
Easter Easter is the time when Christians remember the last week of Jesus' life, his death and

Слайд 9 October 31st Halloween People wear costumes of monsters, ghosts and witches. They

say ‘Trick or treat’ and people give them candies. They make lanterns of pumpkins. Halloween is the festival to scare.
October 31st  Halloween People wear costumes of monsters, ghosts and witches. They say ‘Trick or

Слайд 10 December 24th Christmas Eve December 25th Christmas Day Christmas is the time when

Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a magical season, bringing families and friends together to share different traditions: the Christmas tree, crackers. It is the time when Santa Claus comes and brings presens.  
December 24th Christmas Eve December 25th Christmas Day Christmas is the time

Слайд 11 The children then go to sleep and wait for Christmas morning

to see them. Children open their presents and families share a big traditional English Christmas lunch consists of roast turkey and stuffing, roast potatoes and vegetables, bread sauce, cranberry sauce and gravy, followed by Christmas pudding with butter.
The children then go to sleep and wait for Christmas morning to see them. Children

Слайд 12 December 26th Boxing Day Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the day

following Christmas, when servants and tradesmen receive gifts, known as a "Christmas box", from their bosses or employers.
December 26th Boxing Day Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the day following Christmas, when servants and tradesmen

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