Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Осязание, обоняние и вкус


seaweed – морская водоросль silk – шелкlitter – мусорpepper - перец

Слайд 1salty – соленый
sweet – сладкий
sour – кислый
hot – острый
horrible –

lovely – прекрасный
soft – мягкий
wet – мокрый
cold – холодный
slimy – скользкий, слизистый

salty – соленый sweet – сладкийsour – кислыйhot – острыйhorrible – ужасныйlovely – прекрасныйsoft – мягкий wet

Слайд 2seaweed – морская водоросль
silk – шелк
litter – мусор
pepper - перец

seaweed – морская водоросль silk – шелкlitter – мусорpepper - перец

Слайд 3What do the strawberries taste like?

What do the strawberries taste like?

Слайд 4The strawberries taste sweet.

The strawberries taste sweet.

Слайд 5What does herring taste like?

What does herring taste like?

Слайд 6Herring tastes salty.

Herring tastes salty.

Слайд 7What does a lemon taste like?

What does a lemon taste like?

Слайд 8A lemon tastes sour.

A lemon tastes sour.

Слайд 9What does pepper taste like?

What does pepper taste like?

Слайд 10Pepper tastes hot.

Pepper tastes hot.

Слайд 11What do the flowers smell like?

What do the flowers smell like?

Слайд 12 The flowers smell lovely.

The flowers smell lovely.

Слайд 13What does litter smell like?

What does litter smell like?

Слайд 14Litter smells horrible.

Litter smells horrible.

Слайд 15What do the pillows feel like?

What do the pillows feel like?

Слайд 16The pillows feel soft.

The pillows feel soft.

Слайд 17What does seaweed feel like?

What does seaweed feel like?

Слайд 18Seaweed feels slimy.

Seaweed feels slimy.

Слайд 19What does a boy feel like?

What does a boy feel like?

Слайд 20A boy feels wet.

A boy feels wet.

Слайд 21What is longer?

What is longer?

Слайд 22A bus is longer than a car.

A bus is longer than a car.

Слайд 23What is faster?

What is faster?

Слайд 24A plane is faster than a car.

A plane is faster than a car.

Слайд 25What is slower?

What is slower?

Слайд 26A car is slower than a plane.

A car is slower than a plane.

Слайд 27Who is taller?

Who is taller?

Слайд 28A man is taller than a woman.

A man is taller than a woman.

Слайд 29Who has got longer hair?

Who has got longer hair?

Слайд 30A woman has got longer hair.

A woman has got longer hair.

Слайд 31Who is thinner?

Who is thinner?

Слайд 32A woman is thinner than a man.

A woman is thinner than a man.

Слайд 33Who is fatter?

Who is fatter?

Слайд 34A man is fatter than a woman.

A man is fatter than a woman.

Слайд 35What are the soldiers doing?

What are the soldiers doing?

Слайд 36The soldiers are landing on the beach.

The soldiers are landing on the beach.

Слайд 37What are the boys doing?

What are the boys doing?

Слайд 38The boys are crossing the road

The boys are crossing the road

Слайд 39What is the man doing?

What is the man doing?

Слайд 40The man is pointing to the sky

The man is pointing to the sky

Слайд 41What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 42It’s a village.

It’s a village.

Слайд 43What are they?

What are they?

Слайд 44They are villagers.

They are villagers.

Слайд 45What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 46It’s a waterfall.

It’s a waterfall.

Слайд 47What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 48It’s a rope ladder.

It’s a rope ladder.

Слайд 49What is the boy doing?

What is the boy doing?

Слайд 50The boy is climbing up the rope ladder.

The boy is climbing up the rope ladder.

Слайд 51What is the dog doing?

What is the dog doing?

Слайд 52The dog is chasing the cat.

The dog is chasing the cat.

Слайд 53What is the man doing?

What is the man doing?

Слайд 54The man is looking for something.

The man is looking for something.

Слайд 55What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 56It’s a spoon.

It’s a spoon.

Слайд 57What is a boy doing?

What is a boy doing?

Слайд 58A boy is eating soup with a spoon.

A boy is eating soup with a spoon.

Слайд 59What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 60It’s a fork.

It’s a fork.

Слайд 61What is a woman doing?

What is a woman doing?

Слайд 62A woman is eating pasta with a fork.

A woman is eating pasta with a fork.

Слайд 63What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 64It’s a knife.

It’s a knife.

Слайд 65What is she going to eat?

What is she going to eat?

Слайд 66She is going to eat pancakes with a fork and a

She is going to eat pancakes with a fork and a knife.

Слайд 67How many plates are there on the table?

How many plates are there on the table?

Слайд 68There are six plates on the table.

There are six plates on the table.

Слайд 69How many cups are there on the table?

How many cups are there on the table?

Слайд 70There are two cups on the table.

There are two cups on the table.

Слайд 71What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 72It’s a pair of skis.

It’s a pair of skis.

Слайд 73What is the boy doing?

What is the boy doing?

Слайд 74The boy is skiing.

The boy is skiing.

Слайд 75What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 76It’s a pair of binoculars.

It’s a pair of binoculars.

Слайд 77What is the man doing?

What is the man doing?

Слайд 78The man is looking through binoculars.

The man is looking through binoculars.

Слайд 79What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 80It’s a rucksack.

It’s a rucksack.

Слайд 81What is a girl wearing?

What is a girl wearing?

Слайд 82A girl is wearing a rucksack

A girl is wearing a rucksack

Слайд 83What is a man wearing?

What is a man wearing?

Слайд 84A man is wearing a helmet.

A man is wearing a helmet.

Слайд 85What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 86It’s a library.

It’s a library.

Слайд 87What can you borrow from the library?

What can you borrow from the library?

Слайд 88I can borrow a book from the library.

I can borrow a book from the library.

Слайд 89What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 90It’s a post office.

It’s a post office.

Слайд 91What can you send in the post office?

What can you send in the post office?

Слайд 92I can send a letter in the post office.

I can send a letter in the post office.

Слайд 93What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 94It’s a department store.

It’s a department store.

Слайд 95What can you buy in the department store?

What can you buy in the department store?

Слайд 96I can buy different things in the department store.

I can buy different things in the department store.

Слайд 97What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 98It’s a cinema.

It’s a cinema.

Слайд 99What can you watch in the cinema?

What can you watch in the cinema?

Слайд 100I can watch a movie in the cinema.

I can watch a movie in the cinema.

Слайд 101Which season is hotter?

Which season is hotter?

Слайд 102Summer is hotter than spring.

Summer is hotter than spring.

Слайд 103Which season is colder?

Which season is colder?

Слайд 104Autumn is colder than summer.

Autumn is colder than summer.

Слайд 105Which season is colder?

Which season is colder?

Слайд 106Winter is colder than autumn

Winter is colder than autumn

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