Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Праздники Великобритании. Рождество(6 класс)

Christmas Artyom Mitrofanov

Слайд 1Holidays in Great Britain 6 «В»

Teacher: Zinnatullina Alfiya Amirovna

Holidays in Great Britain  6 «В»

Слайд 2

Artyom Mitrofanov
Christmas        Artyom Mitrofanov

Слайд 3
For most England families, this is the most important festival

of the year.

Christmas is celebrated on 25 of December.

For most England families, this is the most important  festival of the year.Christmas is celebrated on

Слайд 4 People give each other gifts.

People give each other  gifts.

Слайд 5The main dishes of Christmas are Turkey and pudding with maple

The main dishes of Christmas are Turkey and pudding with maple syrup.

Слайд 6People decorates their houses

and streets.
People decorates their houses         and streets.

Слайд 7The carol of the Christmas is :

The carol of the Christmas is :

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