Презентация, доклад на тему Британский парламент

Find the Russian equivalents:

Слайд 1The British Parliament

The British Parliament

Слайд 2Find the Russian equivalents:

Find the Russian equivalents:

Слайд 3Answer the questions:
Who is the head of state in the UK?

Who is the head of the government in the UK?
What is the British Parliament called?
How many Houses does it consist of?
Which House represents the people of Britain?
How often do British people vote for MPs?
What are the members of the House of Commons called?

Answer the questions:Who is the head of state in the UK? Who is the head of the

Слайд 4 Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II

Слайд 5Use the scheme and find the correct statement:
A. The Queen

votes on the bills.
B. The Queen signs the bills.
A. The Queen has mostly representative functions.
B. The Queen rules the country in fact.
A. The government represents the legislative branch of power.
B. The government represents the executive branch of power.
A. The Cabinet is responsible for government policies.
B. The Cabinet Ministers revise bills from Parliament.

A. Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.
B. Parliament represents the executive branch of power.
A. The House of Commons controls the government.
B. The government controls the House of Commons.
A. The House of Lords has the power to delay bills for one year.
B. The House of Lords opposes the decisions of the House of Commons.
A. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government departments.
B. The Cabinet makes laws.

Use the scheme and find the correct statement:1. A. The Queen votes on the bills.B. The Queen

Слайд 6Answers for reading:
1 – 2 points = “2”
3 – 4 points

= “3”
5 points = “4”
6 points = “5”
Answers for reading:1 – 2 points = “2”3 – 4 points = “3”5 points = “4”6 points

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