Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Архитектура 11 класс

born 1738, Moscow, Russia—died Oct. 25 [Nov. 7, New Style], 1812, Ryzan , Russia) one of the first Russian architects of Neoclassicism , often called the “master of the rotunda ” because of his use of

Слайд 1Matvey Fyodorovich Kazakov

Matvey Fyodorovich Kazakov

Слайд 2born 1738, Moscow, Russia—died Oct. 25 [Nov. 7, New Style], 1812,

Ryzan , Russia) one of the first Russian architects of Neoclassicism , often called the “master of the rotunda ” because of his use of that architectural feature.
born 1738, Moscow, Russia—died Oct. 25 [Nov. 7, New Style], 1812, Ryzan , Russia) one of the

Слайд 3

Neoclassicist architect Vasily Bazhenov. In 1775 Kazakov began working independently. He

built the Petrovsky Palace (1775–82) in a pseudo-Gothic style on what was at the time the outskirts of Moscow. The tsars would stop at this palace before entering the city. The emperor Napoleon stayed there in 1812 during his retreat from Moscow.
Neoclassicist architect Vasily Bazhenov. In 1775 Kazakov began working independently. He built the Petrovsky Palace

Слайд 4In 1777 Kazakov began construction in Moscow of the Church of

Metropolitan Filipp. Its Neoclassical rotunda was the first such structure in Russia. He also built a half rotunda atop the building that housed Moscow University (the building burned during Napoleon’s invasion but was later rebuilt).
In 1777 Kazakov began construction in Moscow of the Church of Metropolitan Filipp. Its Neoclassical rotunda was

Слайд 5During the 1780s Kazakov was head of the architectural school at

the Kremlin Building Office, which trained a series of noteworthy architects. Kazakov headed a commission (1800–04) that drew up a map of Moscow showing the facades of its buildings. During Napoleon’s invasion of Moscow, Kazakov went to Ryazan, where he died, aware of the destruction of many of his buildings in the burning of Moscow.
During the 1780s Kazakov was head of the architectural school at the Kremlin Building Office, which trained

Слайд 6The most famous works

The most famous worksTsaritsyno

Слайд 7Kremlin Senate

Kremlin Senate

Слайд 8butyrka prison

butyrka prison

Слайд 9And many others 

And many others 

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