Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Моя лучшая экскурсия 5 класс Железновой Дарьи

This school year we were at the museum .

Слайд 1Project 1. The school excursion I liked best of all

Project 1. The school excursion I liked best of all

Слайд 2This school year we were at the museum .

This school year we were at the museum .

Слайд 3We visited this museum in Dimitrovgrad .

We visited this museum in Dimitrovgrad .

Слайд 4It was interesting because there were many animals and fish in

the aquariums and the cages.
It was interesting because there were many animals and fish in the aquariums and the cages.

Слайд 6We took a lot of photos with animals and touched these

pets .
We took a lot of photos with animals and touched these pets .

Слайд 7Best of all I liked goat Nastya .

Best of all I liked goat Nastya .

Слайд 8Best of all I liked I a goat, fluffy rabbits and

a lot of pictures.
Best of all I liked I a goat, fluffy rabbits and a lot of pictures.

Слайд 9We got a lot of balloons .

We got a lot of balloons .

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention !

Thank you for your attention !

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