Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Час веселых соревнований (4 класс)

Greetings of teams 4 «А» « Home»«Seasons»

Слайд 1“An Hour of Merry Competition”

“An Hour of Merry Competition”

Слайд 2Greetings of teams

4 «А» « Home»

«Seasons» «Home»

Greetings of teams

Слайд 3Warming-up

«Everything is Under the Sun»
Warming-up             «Everything is Under the

Слайд 4Home Task
-Is it cold today, isn’t it?
-No, it isn’t, it’s


It’s a window.
It’s a door.
It’s a table.
It’s a floor.
Home  Task-Is it cold today, isn’t it?-No, it isn’t, it’s warm.It’s a window.It’s a door.It’s a

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“INTERPRETERS”лепить снеговиказапускать змеяpзапускать змеяслушать музыкунырять и плавать

Слайд 6“Dark Horse”

“Dark Horse”RIDDLES

Слайд 7Назовите животное
. It likes bananas. It is clever. It can jump

and skip. It lives in a tree.
It has many friends. They are boys and girls.
It likes to run. It can swim, but it doesn’t like
to swim in cold water. It lives in a house.
It likes cabbage carrots. It is big and strong.
But it is not ugly or cunning. It likes to help its friends. It lives in Africa.
Назовите животное. It likes bananas. It is clever. It can jump and skip. It lives in a

Слайд 9“Captains’ Competition”

“Captains’ Competition”

Слайд 10 “Field of Wonders”

“Field of Wonders”

Слайд 11Зашифрованные предложения




Слайд 12Назовите лишнее слово
1. like, meat, play, make, skate, watch
2. sunny,

warm, windy, rainy, hall, hot
3. tea, coffee, honey, milk, water, juice
4. why, what, when, he, who, where, how
5. ten, twenty, first, fifty, seventeen, one
6. on, ugly, under, in, in the middle, next to
7. house, mother, brother, sister, father

Назовите лишнее слово1. like, meat, play, make, skate, watch 2. sunny, warm, windy, rainy, hall, hot3. tea,

Слайд 13Cocчитайте
Thirteen + five =
nine + ten =
Eleven + three=
Fifty – ten

+ forty =
Sixteen + four- five =
seventy – fifteen =
One + eighty =
CocчитайтеThirteen + five =nine + ten =Eleven + three=Fifty – ten + forty =Sixteen + four- five

Слайд 14Восстановите рассказ.
. Winter is beautiful. There --- a lot of snow

in the
streets. Children can ---- snowballs, they can make a
-----. It is ---- in winter. You can’t---- in the river. The
days are short and the nights are----.
Spring is a beautiful -----. The sun often shines, the
sky is ----, the birds sing-----. In May the trees and
grass are ----.There are many beautiful ----- in May.
We can go for a------.
Восстановите рассказ.. Winter is beautiful. There --- a lot of snow in thestreets. Children can ---- snowballs,



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