Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Нью Йорк (5 класс)

Today, according to the General and unanimous opinion of Americans, New York is the center of the planet and the Capital of The world.

Слайд 1New York

New York

Слайд 2Today, according to the General and unanimous opinion of Americans, New

York is the center of the planet and the Capital of The world.
Today, according to the General and unanimous opinion of Americans, New York is the center of the

Слайд 3This city is in the center of world culture, world art,

world fashion. world medicine and, of course, New York is the center of world tourism.
This city is in the center of world culture, world art, world fashion. world medicine and, of

Слайд 4New York is divided into five districts, each with its own

character and unique atmosphere.
New York is divided into five districts, each with its own character and unique atmosphere.

Слайд 5The heart of new York city is Manhattan, home to all

of the city's important institutions and most recognizable landmarks
The heart of new York city is Manhattan, home to all of the city's important institutions and

Слайд 6Queens with two huge airports is considered the most extensive area.

Queens with two huge airports is considered the most extensive area.

Слайд 7Brooklyn is the most densely populated district, has a great variety

of people living here. Including here is the Russian quarter – Brighton beach. The Bronx is located North of Manhattan and is considered a residential area.
Brooklyn is the most densely populated district, has a great variety of people living here. Including here

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