Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Мой будний день

Match the words from A with the words from B to find 8 activities A hang out get have do surf go leave wakeBupbreakfastwith friendsthe Internethomedressedhomework to school

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Match the words from A with the words from B to

find 8 activities


hang out


with friends
the Internet
to school

Match the words from A with the words from B to find 8 activities

Слайд 3What do you do in the morning?

What do you do in the morning?

Слайд 4Journey to school

Journey to school

Слайд 5Answer the questions about your journey to school.

Answer the questions about your journey to school.

Слайд 6Your homework:
Write about your journey to school. Use Ex.3,4, p. 41

Your homework:Write about your journey to school. Use Ex.3,4, p. 41 (B)

Слайд 7 At school
Complete the following
My school is

number … .
I’m in year … .
There are … students in my class.
My best friend is … .
I’ve got … school subjects.
My favourite school subjects are … .
At schoolComplete the following sentences.My school is number … .I’m in year …

Слайд 8What do you do in the afternoon?

What do you do in the afternoon?

Слайд 9Look at the information about Sandy.

Look at the information about Sandy.

Слайд 10Look at the information about Ben.

Look at the information about Ben.

Слайд 12What do you do in the evening? Look at Mandy’s family. Listen

to her speaking about what her family usually does in the evening.

she -(e) s

What do you do in the evening? Look at Mandy’s family.  Listen to her speaking

Слайд 13This is Alice. Read about her day. Fill in the gaps

and put the sentences in correct order.
This is Alice. Read about her  day. Fill in the gaps and put  the sentences

Слайд 14Tell me about your whole working day.

Tell me about your whole working day.

Слайд 15The lesson is over.
Thank you for your work! Your work was

well done!
Good bye!

The lesson is over.Thank you for your work! Your work was well done!Good bye!

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