Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Лондон (6 класс)

The capital of England is London but there are other large industrial cities

Слайд 1London
Автор : Бралина Динара Досмаганбетовна,
МКОУ Обуховская СОШ
Свердловская область

London Автор : Бралина Динара Досмаганбетовна, учительМКОУ Обуховская СОШ Свердловская область2016http://pedsovet.su/

Слайд 2The capital of England is London but there are other large

industrial cities
The capital of England is London but there are other large industrial cities

Слайд 3The London Eye
It consists of thirty-two capsules each holding up twenty-five


The London EyeIt consists of thirty-two capsules each holding up twenty-five people.

Слайд 4Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey has been the traditional place of coronation and

burial for English monarchs for a long time. Today it is still used for the celebration of great events in the country’s history and for regular worship.
Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbey has been the traditional place of coronation and burial for English monarchs for a

Слайд 5Population of London is more than 9 million people. London was

founded more then twenty centuries ago.
Population of London  is more than 9 million people. London was founded more then twenty centuries

Слайд 6http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/60/917/60917937_1277756403_04_025.png стразы
http://cs624823.vk.me/v624823283/16c8e/Zyg1q92x4uI.jpg фон
http://www.ailona.ru/_ph/108/2/230660864.png бант
http://papus666.narod.ru/clipart/t/tesm/prosh63.png тесьма

http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/60/917/60917937_1277756403_04_025.png стразыhttp://cs624823.vk.me/v624823283/16c8e/Zyg1q92x4uI.jpg фонhttp://www.ailona.ru/_ph/108/2/230660864.png бантhttp://papus666.narod.ru/clipart/t/tesm/prosh63.png тесьмаРесурсы

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