Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Британские подростковые журналы

magazinesnewspapersMobile phonesInternetTVradio

Слайд 1[t] Sport, start, competition, beauty, computer, about, photography. [d] food, gardening, inside, instead,

understand. [l] travelling , article, celebrities, people, problem, health, title.
[t] Sport, start, competition, beauty, computer, about, photography.  [d]  food, gardening, inside, instead, understand.

Слайд 2magazines
Mobile phones

magazinesnewspapersMobile phonesInternetTVradio

Слайд 3Mass media
Mobile phones

Mass mediamagazinesnewspapersMobile phonesInternetTVradio

Слайд 4Teenage Magazines

Teenage Magazines

Слайд 5We will:
-revise the words; -read the text and learn about British teenage

magazines; -talk about British teenage magazines and their main features; -talk about Russian magazines.
We will: -revise the words; -read the text and learn about British teenage magazines; -talk about British

Слайд 91.This month’s horoscopes! 2.Get Perfect Skin! 3.Our top 10 summer outfits! 4.Win tickets

to a Champion’s League match! 5.Britain’s hottest new boy bands! 6.Do your friends really know you! 7.The Generation Gap!

a)Stars and celebrities b)health and beauty c)Fashion d)regular features e)competition and offers f)quizzes g)articles

1.This month’s horoscopes!   2.Get Perfect Skin!  3.Our top 10 summer outfits!  4.Win tickets

Слайд 101-d 2-b 3-c 4-e 5-a 6-f 7-g

1-d 2-b 3-c 4-e 5-a 6-f 7-g

Слайд 11British Teenage Magazines
About half of British young people aged 12 to

16 read teenage magazines! Two of the most popular magazines for girls are 'Sugar' and 'Bliss'. They have glossy, colourful covers and include beauty and fashion, celebrity gossip, real life stories, horoscopes, quizzes and problem pages. Of course, boys don't usually find these magazines very interesting! Instead, they buy music magazines like 'NME'or magazines about sport, like 'Shoot'or 'Match'. Usually, teenage magazines contain a lot of language that only teenagers use! They might use 'celeb' instead of celebrity, for example, or 'fave' instead of favourite. They also say 'lads' instead of 'boys', 'dosh' instead of 'money' and 'natter' instead of 'talk to your friends'! This-makes the magazines more attractive to teenagers and easier to understand. On a more serious note though, a lot of these magazines can help teens find solutions to problems they don't feel comfortable discussing with their parents. That's why the problem pages in these magazines are very popular. In fact, many teens buy them just for the problem page. How about you? What do you like most in magazines?
British Teenage MagazinesAbout half of British young people aged 12 to 16 read teenage magazines! Two of

Слайд 12popular = famous glossy = bright , shiny attractive = interesting instead = in

place of
popular = famous  glossy = bright , shiny  attractive = interesting  instead = in

Слайд 13You’re surely tired. Have a rest!

You’re surely tired. Have a rest!

Слайд 14Answer the questions: 1)What kind of magazines do teens read ? 2)What do

teens magazines have inside? 3)What makes the magazines more attractive? 4)Why are these magazines popular with teens?
Answer the questions: 1)What kind of magazines do teens read ? 2)What do teens magazines have inside?

Слайд 15— what is the magazine about ? — who is it for? —

what does it have inside? — why is it popular with teens? — why do you like this magazine?
— what is the magazine about ?  — who is it for?  — what does

Слайд 16  Complete the sentences. 1)Two of the most popular magazines are _____ 2)They

have ____, colourful covers 3)Boys buys music magazines and _____ 4)They might use «celeb» instead of ____ or «fave» instead of 5)Many teens buy magazines just for ____
  Complete the sentences. 1)Two of the most popular magazines are _____ 2)They have ____, colourful covers

Слайд 17 1)Two of the most popular magazines are «Sugar» and «Bliss» 2)They have

glossy, colourful covers 3)Boys buys music magazines and magazines about sport , like «Shoot» and «Match» 4)They might use «celeb» instead of celebrity or «fave» instead of favorite 5)Many teens buy magazines just for the problem page
1)Two of the most popular magazines are «Sugar» and «Bliss» 2)They have glossy, colourful covers 3)Boys

Слайд 18What can you tell us about British teenage magazines?

What can you tell us about British teenage magazines?

Слайд 19Your home task:
p.26 ex.1 (Workbook)

Your home task:p.26 ex.1 (Workbook)

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