Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему English and Russian Internet slang abbreviations and their influence on the teenagers' spoken language culture

We often watch people pressing mobile phones' buttons in the streets, at the lessons, during the break at school. They dial SMS.

Слайд 1English and Russian Internet slang abbreviations and their influence on the

teenagers’ spoken language culture

Made by Angelina Gramotova
Form: 8 “a”
School 12
Supervisor: Bolshakova Y.M.

Vyksa - 2017

English and Russian Internet slang abbreviations and their influence on the teenagers’ spoken language cultureMade by Angelina

Слайд 2 We often watch people pressing mobile phones' buttons in the

streets, at the lessons, during the break at school. They dial SMS.
We often watch people pressing mobile phones' buttons in the streets, at the lessons, during the

Слайд 3Topicality of the research
The novelty
The object
The subject
The aim

Topicality of the researchThe noveltyThe objectThe subjectThe aimTasks MethodsHypothesis

Слайд 4The origin and development of SMS language
The first SMS was

sent in 1992 by the European network GSM.
The origin and development of SMS language The first SMS was sent in 1992 by the European

Слайд 5The popularity of SMS Students (25) and teachers (10) of my school

have taken part in the questionnaire survey.
The popularity of SMS Students (25) and teachers (10) of my school have taken part in the

Слайд 6

Results: -100% of students and teachers use SMS -Students use SMS more often than teachers -Students use SMS because it is comfortable -Teachers use SMS to save money

Слайд 7 SMS genres: -Excuse -Request -SMS-poetry -Telegram -Announcement -Greeting -Love recognition -Interview -Anecdote

SMS genres: -Excuse -Request -SMS-poetry -Telegram -Announcement -Greeting -Love recognition

Слайд 8Ways of SMS formation in English
ASAP – As Soon

As Possible
ATM – At The Moment
- Words are formed by means of reduction
Сu – See you
4EVER - Forever
B4 – Before

Ways of SMS formation in English -Abbreviations ASAP – As Soon As Possible ATM – At The

Слайд 9

text smiley graphic smiley
:/ - Wry face
:Р – Tongue out just
:-0 -Shout in anger
:-~) - I’ve got a running

Слайд 10Ways of SMS formation in Russian
-Прив 4то 2елаеш я телик смарю

na ulku
Using English words:
-Хай как дела
Using smileys
:) J – улыбающийся
;) – подмигивающий

Ways of SMS formation in RussianReduction:-Прив 4то 2елаеш я телик смарюTransliteration:vihodi na ulkuUsing English words:-Хай как делаUsing

Слайд 11 I have offered my schoolmates and my teachers

to ask some questions. I have analyzed more than 50 SMS of the students of my school
N Questions Students’ answers % Teachers’ answers % yes no yes no
1 Do you use English words in SMS? 25 75 0 100
2 Do you use transliteration? 10 90 5 95
3 Do you use reduction? 95 5 10 90
4 Do you use smiley? 100 0 98 2
I have offered my schoolmates and my teachers to ask some questions. I have

Слайд 12 SMS threatens the literary norms of the English language
The influence

of SMS on modern English
SMS threatens the literary norms of the English languageThe influence of SMS on modern English

Слайд 13The influence of SMS on modern Russian
SMS influences on modern Russian

very much
The influence of SMS on modern RussianSMS influences on modern Russian very much

Слайд 14Results:
All teachers pay attention to the literacy writing SMS (100%)
Students pay

attention to the quickness (50%)
Results:All teachers pay attention to the literacy writing SMS (100%)Students pay attention to the quickness (50%)

Слайд 15 The problem of SMS using in Russian and English is progressing

 The problem of SMS using in Russian and English is progressing

Слайд 16
. Thk U 4 your attention!!!

.   Thk U 4 your attention!!!

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