Слайд 1Deafness and hearingloss
Автор: преподаватель английского языка Красногорского филиала ГБПОУ МО «Московский
областной медицинский колледж №1» Проценко А.А.
Слайд 2Deafness - the degree of hearing loss, in which the patient
does not hear the words spoken out loud about his ear.
Hearing loss - the degree of hearing loss, in which verbal communication is difficult.
Слайд 3Deafness and clinically significant hearing
loss is identified 13 million Russians and
than one million patients are
children under the age of 18 years.
One out of a thousand newborn is born
with total deafness or profound hearing
Слайд 4Hearing impairment is detected in 14% of Russians aged 45-64 years
and 30% of the inhabitants of our country over the age of 65 years.
Слайд 5If there is hearing loss since birth or appeared before
the child
begins to speak, this is called a hearing loss
All other cases of hearing loss are hearing loss later.
Early deafness and hearing loss more difficult to treat,
because the patient does not know, what are sounds and
spoken language.
Слайд 6Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss is called an obstacle to the
carrying out and amplify the sound.
The obstruction occurs at the level of the outer ear (malformation, sulfur cork, tumors, external otitis) or middle ear (traumatic damage to the eardrum and ossicles, otitis media, adhesive otitis, tubo-otitis, otosclerosis).
Слайд 7Sensorineural hearing loss
At the level of the inner ear of the
mechanical vibrations are converted into electrical impulses.
The loss of hair cells causes violations of the process.
As a result, the perception of sounds and distorted deteriorates.
In sensorineural hearing loss is often observed decrease in pain threshold sound reproduction.
Слайд 8Patients with sensorineural hearing loss may experience pain in the perception
of sound, slightly above the threshold of audibility.
Слайд 9Sensorineural hearing loss can develop when microcirculatory disturbances are in the
inner ear, Meniere's disease is (increase in pressure fluid in the inner ear) auditory nerve pathology etc.
Слайд 10The cause of sensorineural deafness may be some infectious diseases (measles,
meningitis, mumps, AIDS).
It is extremely rare to develop sensorineural hearing loss caused autoimmune diseases (Wegener's granulomatosis).
Слайд 11More than 60% of patients with congenital deafness and hearing loss
are suffered from the toxic effects of alcohol on the fetus with fetal alcohol syndrome.
In utero infection with syphilis becomes blind every third child.
Слайд 12Drugs can cause sensorineural hearing loss.
Irreversible hearing loss occurs by
some patients after administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics series (monomitsin, kanamycin, neomycin, gentamicin). Reversible hearing loss may occur when patients are taking certain diuretics, antibiotics from the macrolide group and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Слайд 13The cause of sensorineural deafness may be the impact of transport,
consumer and industrial noise, intoxication of the organism lead, mercury and carbon monoxide.
Слайд 14A mixed hearing loss
A mixed hearing loss is developed at the
same time the influence of the factors causing conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
To correct for this type ofhearing loss often require sophisticated hearing aids.
Слайд 15Sudden deafness
Hearing loss develops over a few hours.
The cause of
hearing loss in sudden deafness
(sudden hearing loss) is the impact of a number of viruses (herpes viruses, mumps and measles), circulatory disorders in the maze, the effects of some ototoxic drugs, trauma and tumors.
Слайд 16Due to the characteristic features of current symptoms and sudden deafness
is isolated as independent nosological unit.
Patients with sudden deafness describe hearing loss will come as the "off" or "Broken telephone wires."
This form of hearing loss is usually unilateral.
Слайд 17For sudden hearing loss is characterized by a high degree of
hearing loss, up to complete deafness in the first hours of the disease. Approximately half of the patients a few days after the onset of symptoms of sudden deafness occur self-healing. A number of patients violation hearing is irreversible. Perhaps both full and partial recovery of hearing.
Слайд 18Diagnosis of hearing loss
In the process of diagnosis of deafness and
hearing loss it is important to identify not only the degree of hearing loss.
It is necessary to determine as precisely as possible the cause of the hearing loss, the level of injury, hearing loss resistance, its progression or regression.
Слайд 19Pre-detection of deafness and severe hearing loss is not difficult and
is held otolaryngologist. Used speech audiometry (spoken and whispered speech). In identifying hearing loss should consult an audiologist.
Слайд 20To recognize hearing loss mild use special equipment (audiometers, forks, etc.).
Слайд 21Significant difficulties arise in identifying hearing loss and deafness in young
For evaluation of hearing status in this case applied computer audiometry and acoustic impedancemetry middle ear.
Слайд 22Treatment of conductive hearing loss
If you violate the integrity or functionality
of the auditory ossicles and tympanic membrane usually requires surgical treatment.
There are many surgical procedures that ensure full recovery or significant improvement in hearing (Prosthetic ossicles, tympanoplasty, myringoplasty etc.).
In some cases, recovery of hearing possibly even at complete deafness.
Слайд 23Type of surgery is determined by the nature of the defeat
of sound-conducting system.
Слайд 24Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss
The loss of hair cells is irreversible
regardless of the cause of their defeat.
Correct the violations by surgery impossible.
Слайд 25In the initial stages of the disease when the exact diagnosis
in some cases, good effect gives the drug therapy in combination with physiotherapy, electrical stimulation and oksigenobaroterapiey.
Слайд 26The only way to compensate with a significant limitation of the
disease, deafness and severe bilateral sensorineural hearing loss remains a hearing aid.
Слайд 27Selection of installation and configuration of the hearing machine is made
by a hearing doctor.
Слайд 28Prevention of hearing loss
The main preventive measure for the prevention of
deafness and hearing loss is a mass survey.
Regular surveys shows all workers of noisy manufactures and other categories of the population who are at increased risk.
Слайд 29It is important to timely detect signs of hearing loss in
children, because the time is not detected hearing loss can cause delays formation of speech and the backlog in intellectual development.