Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему: Путешествие.

Travelling.What would you like to visit? - I would like to visit …What sights would you like to see? ( увидеть)I would like to see the ...

Слайд 1

Слайд 9Travelling.
What would you like to visit?
- I would like to

visit …
What sights would you like to see? ( увидеть)
I would like to see the ...
Travelling.What would you like to visit? - I would like to visit …What sights would you like

Слайд 10- I can see the Ethel's Tower. - I can see

Paris. - I can see the Tower - I think we'll speak about … - I suppose the topic will be … - Believe we'll speak about … - The aim is to ...
- I can see the Ethel's Tower.
 - I can see Paris.
- I can see the Tower


Слайд 11- We spoke about traveling. - I think it was informative. We

spoke about where people travel and why. - I give a good mark myself ...
- We spoke about traveling.

- I think it was informative. We spoke about where people travel and

Слайд 12Thank you for the lesson.

Thank you for the lesson.

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