Презентация, доклад по английскому языку My home (5 класс)

a chairan armchaira wardrobe

Слайд 1An Englishman's house is his castle

An Englishman's house is his castle

Слайд 2a chair
an armchair
a wardrobe

a chairan armchaira wardrobe

Слайд 3a mirror
a sofa
a coffee table
a bookcase
a television
a desk
a computer

a mirror a sofaa coffee tablea bookcasea televisiona deska computer

Слайд 4a bath
a window
a washbasin

a batha windowa washbasinsteps

Слайд 5We have breakfast in the…
dining room
We go to bed in the…

watch TV in the…

living room

We take off our coats in the…


We cook pancakes in the…


We plant flowers in the…


We fix our car in the…


We have breakfast in the…dining roomWe go to bed in the…bedroomWe watch TV in the…living roomWe take

Слайд 6Two halls are on the ground floor
One hall is on the

first floor
Two halls are on the ground floorOne hall is on the first floor

Слайд 7There is / There are
Оборот there is / there are

употребляется для того, чтобы указать на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо предмета или лица в определённом месте.
Предложения с оборотом there is / there are переводятся с конца (сам оборот отдельно не переносится).
В ед.ч употребляется There is ,а во мн.ч. There are



what? where?

There is / There are Оборот there is / there are употребляется для того, чтобы указать на

Слайд 13East or West home is best!
Good Bye

East or West home is best!Good Bye

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