Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Мой любимый магазин

My favorite shop is shopping center “GRAD" in Voronezh.

Слайд 1 My favourite shop

My favourite shop

Слайд 2My favorite shop is shopping center “GRAD" in Voronezh.

My favorite shop is shopping center “GRAD

Слайд 3Center has many shops and departments: Grocer's I can buy here cheese,

sausage, apples, tea, and other food.
Center has many shops and departments:  Grocer's I can buy here cheese, sausage, apples, tea, and

Слайд 4Clothes shop I can buy here coat, jackets, hats, suits, jeans, T-shirts

and other clothes.
Clothes shop  I can buy here coat, jackets, hats, suits, jeans, T-shirts and other clothes.

Слайд 5Books' shop I can buy here a lot of books.

Books' shop  I can buy here a lot of books.

Слайд 6Furniture shop I can buy here beds, chairs, tables and other furniture.

Furniture shop I can buy here beds, chairs, tables and other furniture.

Слайд 7Food I can buy and eat tasty food here.

Food  I can buy and eat tasty food here.

Слайд 8Cinema I can watch new films here.

Cinema I can watch new films here.

Слайд 9Playing rooms

Playing rooms

Слайд 10Working hours of this center are 10:00 - 22:00. Prices are

Working hours of this center are 10:00 - 22:00.  Prices are mid.

Слайд 12Thanks for attention

Thanks for attention

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