Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Мода 90-х

The Russian 1990s are remembered as a time of unimaginable mixing of styles and a universal desire to be fashionable and dressed in everything foreign. Brilliant details, excessive brightness, catchy make – up, frankness, bordering on

Слайд 1Fashion of the 1990s

Fashion of the 1990s

Слайд 2The Russian 1990s are remembered as a time of unimaginable mixing

of styles and a universal desire to be fashionable and dressed in everything foreign. Brilliant details, excessive brightness, catchy make – up, frankness, bordering on vulgarity-all this was considered a mandatory attribute of any Soviet and Russian fashionista. And if at the beginning of the decade the majority wore clothes from the 80's, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian families almost every weekend spent in the markets where they sold "branded" jeans and shoes. At the mention of the 90-ies it is impossible not to remember the "new Russian", who had his own view of fashion, which later became the object of jokes and anecdotes.
The Russian 1990s are remembered as a time of unimaginable mixing of styles and a universal desire

Слайд 3After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a flood of foreign

goods, including clothing, shoes and accessories, often of dubious origin and quality, flooded the country. The 1990s are known as the time of entrepreneurs of a new type and Shuttle business. As soon as in Russia business was allowed, almost all began to go abroad for goods and trade something. Especially enterprising came up with cunning schemes that made it possible to make large fortunes in the 1990s, but most of the shuttles are ordinary citizens who felt the opportunity to earn. In conditions of unprecedented demand, clothing was a win-win option for profit.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a flood of foreign goods, including clothing, shoes and accessories,

Слайд 4Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana consider the founder of the

style. They revolutionized not only the world of music, but also the world of fashion. Their fans, following Kurt, began wearing baggy sweaters, voluminous men's pants (which we now call jeans-boyfriend), stretched cardigans, plaid shirts, jackets, jackets, worn sneakers and heavy shoes.

This style is called Grunge
Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana consider the founder of the style. They revolutionized not only the

Слайд 5
This style was born in the 60s, but it reached its

greatest development at the end of the twentieth century. Many designers have relied on conservatism, simplicity of shapes and colors. Great attention was paid to the strict cut and simple silhouettes.

This style is called minimalism
This style was born in the 60s, but it reached its greatest development at the end of

Слайд 6
In the mid-90's originated another style trend that made leggings a

cult piece of clothing. They were worn with sneakers, shiny t-shirts, worn with dresses and mini-skirts.

This style is called
In the mid-90's originated another style trend that made leggings a cult piece of clothing. They were

Слайд 7Hair bands of different colors

Hair bands of different colors

Слайд 8 Denim shirt or jacket. They did not go unless just lazy

Девушка из России оставила мужа и ребенка из-за разбогатевшего бывшего Сотрудники мойки обалдели при взгляде на салон автомобиля клиентки Картинки с надписями для настроения Девушка из России оставила мужа и ребенка из-за разбогатевшего бывшего Сотрудники мойки обалдели при взгляде на салон автомобиля клиентки Картинки с надписями для настроения Девушка из России оставила мужа и ребенка из-за разбогатевшего бывшего Сотрудники мойки обалдели при взгляде на салон автомобиля клиентки Картинки с надписями для настроения

Мода девяностых годов (24 фото)
22 октября 2010 08:10
Метки: 90-е  варенки  девяностые  лихие 90-е  мода  свитер  фенечки  

Источник: https://fishki.net/31597-moda-devjanostyh-godov-24-foto.html © Fishki.net
Denim shirt or jacket. They did not go unless just lazy

Слайд 9 Leggings. They were worn even by those whose feet were far

from ideal
Leggings. They were worn even by those whose feet were far from ideal

Слайд 10Famous platform

Famous platform

Слайд 11Shoelaces of poisonous coloring, they were worn on the hair, neck,

hands..in short everywhere, where only can be. Fenichkas.
Shoelaces of poisonous coloring, they were worn on the hair, neck, hands..in short everywhere, where only can

Слайд 12Thank you for listening!

Thank you for listening!

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