Презентация, доклад по английскому языку English-speaking countries

Great Britain The capital of Great Britain is London. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland. The flag of Great Britain is blue, red and white. Its population is about 55

Слайд 1The theme: English-speaking countries.

The theme: English-speaking countries.

Слайд 2 Great Britain
The capital of Great Britain is

London. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland. The flag of Great Britain is blue, red and white. Its population is about 55 million people.
Great Britain   The capital of Great Britain is London. It consists of England, Wales,

Слайд 3The United States of America
The capital of the

USA is Washington.
They speak American English.
The bald eagle is the symbol of the USA. It is called “Stars and stripes”
The population of the USA is more than 236 million people.
The United States of America   The capital of the USA is Washington.  They speak

Слайд 4Canada
The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

people live in Canada. They speak English
and French. The symbol of Canada is the maple leaf.
The flag of Canada
is red and white.
Canada   The capital of Canada is Ottawa.  Canadian people live in Canada. They speak

Слайд 5Australia
The capital of Australia is Canberra. Australian people

live Australia. They
speak English.
The national symbol of Australia is the kangaroo. The flag of Australia is blue, red and white.
Australia   The capital of Australia is Canberra. Australian people  live Australia. They  speak

Слайд 6New Zealand
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.

New Zealanders live in
in New Zealand.
They speak English
The national symbol of New Zealand is the kiwi.
Nearly 4 million people live in the country
New Zealand   The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. New Zealanders live in  in

Слайд 7The Trafalgar square

The Trafalgar square

Слайд 8The double-decker bus

The double-decker bus

Слайд 9National clothes

National clothes

Слайд 10Королевская гвардия – Queen Guards

Королевская гвардия – Queen Guards

Слайд 11National dancing

National dancing

Слайд 12The policeman

The policeman

Слайд 13The map of the USA

The map of the USA

Слайд 14The bald eagle-the national symbol of America

The bald eagle-the national symbol of America

Слайд 15The White House, the residence of the President

The White House, the residence of the President

Слайд 16The Capitol is the Congress meet

The Capitol is the Congress meet

Слайд 17Disney Land

Disney Land

Слайд 18HO LLYWOOD is the centre of the USA film business.

HO	LLYWOOD is the centre of the USA film business.

Слайд 19Actors of Hollywood

Actors of Hollywood

Слайд 21The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

Слайд 22Christopher Columb

Christopher Columb

Слайд 23Washington


Слайд 24Skyscrapers - небоскребы

Skyscrapers - небоскребы

Слайд 25History of Australia
Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770.

History of AustraliaAustralia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770.

Слайд 26The map of Canada

The map of Canada

Слайд 27Clock Tower Big Ben

Clock Tower Big Ben



Слайд 30The emu

The emu

Слайд 31The dingo

The dingo

Слайд 32The Kangaroo

The Kangaroo

Слайд 33The House of Parliament

The House of Parliament

Слайд 34Questions:
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
2. In

what town does the Queen live?
3. What is the capital of the USA?
4. Who opened the USA?
5. How many stars on the flag of the USA?
6. Who was the first President of the USA?

Questions:  1. What is the capital of Great Britain? 2. In what town does the Queen

Слайд 357. Where is situated the Statue of Liberty?
8. Who is

the President of the USA?
9. Where is situated Hollywood?
10. The symbol of Australia?
7. Where is situated the Statue of Liberty? 8. Who is the President of the USA? 9.

Слайд 36 Your homework is be ready retelling about English-speaking countries.

Our the

lesson is over Thank you!
Good Bye!!! See you!
Your homework is be ready retelling about English-speaking countries. Our the lesson is over Thank you!Good

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