Общий вопрос
Общий вопрос
you, we, they.
Yes, I am
Yes, he is
Yes, she is
Yes, it is
Yes, you are
Yes, we are
Yes, they are
No, I am not
No, he, isn’t
No, she isn’t
No, it isn’t
No, you aren’t
No, we aren’t
No, they aren’t
I am not.
I am.
you are.
she is.
he is.
it is.
we are
they are
you aren’t.
she isn’t.
he isn’t.
it isn’t.
we aren’t.
they aren’t
I have.
you have.
we have.
they have.
He has.
she has.
it has.
I haven’t.
you haven’t.
we haven’t.
they haven’t.
he hasn’t.
she hasn’t.
it hasn’t.
Has Ben got friends?
Has crocodile got a long tail?
I have.
I haven’t.
they have.
they haven’t.
she has.
she hasn’t.
he has.
he hasn’t.
it has.
it hasn’t
I don’t.
you don’t.
we don’t.
they don’t.
she doesn’t.
he doesn’t.
it doesn’t.
Does Nikita like dogs ?
Does Mary wear dresses?
Does cat like to swim?
I do.
they do.
we do.
he does.
she does.
it does.
I don’t.
they don’t.
we don’t.
he doesn’t.
she doesn’t.
it doesn’t.
4.Is Todd ten years old?
5.Do they swim in the swimming pool?
6.Have they got friends?
a) Yes, they have.
b) No, he isn’t.
c)Yes, they, do.
d) No, she hasn’t.
f) Yes, he does.
e) Yes, they are.
4.Is Todd ten years old?
5.Do they swim in the swimming pool?
6.Have they got friends?
a) Yes, they have.
b) No, he isn’t.
c)Yes, they, do.
d) No, she hasn’t.
f) Yes, he does.
e) Yes, they are.
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