Презентация, доклад по английскому языку День Благодарения


History of American Thanksgiving

Слайд 1Thanksgiving Day

Презентацию подготовила: учитель английского языка
МКОУ СОШ №27 Ширинова

Thanksgiving Day Презентацию подготовила: учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №27 Ширинова Г.У.

Слайд 2
History of American Thanksgiving

History of American Thanksgiving

Слайд 3The Pilgrims sailed to
America from
Plymouth, England.
The name of their ship

was the “Mayflower”.
The Pilgrims sailed to America fromPlymouth, England.The name of their ship was the “Mayflower”.

Слайд 4

They landed at
Plymouth Rock.
The Native American
Indians lived in

before the
Pilgrims arrived.
They landed at Plymouth Rock.The Native American Indians lived in America before the Pilgrims arrived.

Слайд 5
The Indians taught
the Pilgrims how to
survive in America.

The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to survive in America.

Слайд 6
The Pilgrims were
thankful and decided
to celebrate with a
Thanksgiving feast.

invited their
Indian friends to
share this feast.
The Pilgrims were thankful and decidedto celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast.They invited their Indian friends to share

Слайд 7
Quiz in Numbers
1. When did the Pilgrims come to America?

Quiz in Numbers 1. When did the Pilgrims come to America?

Слайд 8
2. How many passengers came on the Mayflower?
3. How many

days did the voyage last?

2. How many passengers came on the Mayflower? 3. How many days did the voyage last?

Слайд 9
4. The Pilgrims lost ... of the original 102 who sailed

5. How many Indians helped the Pilgrims survive?

on the Mayflower.

4. The Pilgrims lost ... of the original 102 who sailed 5. How many Indians helped the

Слайд 10
6. When did the colonists have their first
7. The feast

lasted ... days.

Thanksgiving Day?

6. When did the colonists have their first 7. The feast lasted ... days. Thanksgiving Day?

Слайд 118. For ... years there was no fighting between
9. The

first "Thanksgiving" feast was not repeated

Pilgrims and the Indians.

the following year. It wasn't until ...

8. For ... years there was no fighting between 9. The first

Слайд 12
10. When do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day

10. When do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day nowadays?

Слайд 13Symbols of Thanksgiving Day
Turkey – is an American native first

domesticated bird.
It is a traditional dish on Thanksgiving tables.

Pumpkins and 'Pumpkin Pies' are a Thanksgiving favourite for about
400 years. Pilgrims probably made a pumpkin dish
sweetened with honey or syrup. Pumpkin leaves were also used as salads.

Cornucopia is the most common symbol of a harvest festival.
A Horn shaped container, it is filled with abundance of the
Earth's harvest. It is also known as the “horn of plenty”.
The traditional cornucopia was a curved goat's
horn filled to brim with fruits and grains.

The use of corn meant the survival of the colonists.
Beans are a special symbol of Thanksgiving too.
Native Americans taught the pilgrims to
grow beans next to cornstalks.

The cranberry is a small sour berry. It grows in bogs. Originally called crane berry,
it got its name from its pink blossoms and drooping head which reminded
the pilgrim of a crane. The name was later changed to a Cranberry. Pilgrims soon
found out a way to sweeten the bitten cranberries with maple sugar. Sweet-sour
cranberry sauce or cranberry jelly was on the first Thanksgiving table and it
is served today. The Indians used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets.
They taught the colonists how to cook the berries with the sweetener and
water to make a sauce.

Symbols of Thanksgiving Day Turkey – is an American native first domesticated bird. It is a traditional

Слайд 14
The Recipe of Stuffed Turkey
Take a big, quite fat turkey

and wash it.

Sprinkle the turkey with salt and pepper.

Make a stuffing from the green vegetables and apples.

Put it on a frying pan and cover with foil.

Put the turkey into a hot oven and roast for 1.5-2 hours.

Eat it with beans and vegetables.

The Recipe of Stuffed Turkey Take a big, quite fat turkey and wash it. Sprinkle the turkey

Слайд 15Thanksgiving Grace

Thanksgiving Grace

Слайд 16
1. What kind of key has legs, but can't open


Riddles 1. What kind of key has legs, but can't open doors?

Слайд 17
2. Why didn't the turkey finish his dessert?

Because he was

2. Why didn't the turkey finish his dessert? Because he was stuffed!

Слайд 18
3. What happened to the turkey who got into a fight?

He got the stuffing knocked out of him.

3. What happened to the turkey who got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out

Слайд 19
4. Why was the turkey the drummer in the band?


he had the drumsticks.
4. Why was the turkey the drummer in the band? Because he had the drumsticks.

Слайд 20
5. When the pilgrims landed, where did they stand?

On their

5. When the pilgrims landed, where did they stand? On their feet.

Слайд 21
6. What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?

Plymouth Rock

6. What kind of music did the Pilgrims like? Plymouth Rock

Слайд 22
7. If the Pilgrims were stil alive today, what would



be famouse for?

7. If the Pilgrims were stil alive today, what would Their age be famouse for?

Слайд 23
8. What are you thankful for on Thanksgiving?

I am thankful

that I'm not a turkey

8. What are you thankful for on Thanksgiving? I am thankful that I'm not a turkey

Слайд 24Games on Thanksgiving

Games on Thanksgiving

Слайд 25
Thanksgiving nowadays

Thanksgiving nowadays

Слайд 27http://freyelementary.typepad.com/frey/2010/10/index.htmlhttp://freyelementary.typepad.com/frey/2010/10/index.html
- индеец и пилигрим
http://gossip.stupiddeluxe.com/eqj-mufsg.htmhttp://gossip.stupiddeluxe.com/eqj-mufsg.htm - карта на синем фоне
http://www.netglimse.com/holidays/http://www.netglimse.com/holidays/ -

корабль на черных волнах

http://www.proshkolu.ru/user/sergeywaz/file/592841/ - пилигримы на корабле

http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Plymouth_(town),_Massachusettshttp://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Plymouth_(town),_Massachusetts – высадка пилигримов

http://s017.radikal.ru/i400/1110/cb/7083aae549b1.jpg - Индейцы з чел.

thanksgiving-to-robert-pattinson/ - встреча пилигримов и индейцев

Список использованных источников:

http://archive.1september.ru – история дня благодарения

Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон Д.А. – Счастливый английский. Кн. 2 для 7-9 кл.
общеобразов. шк. – 2-е изд.; испр. – Обнинск: Титул, 2001. 448 с.: ил. – с. 129

http://freyelementary.typepad.com/frey/2010/10/index.htmlhttp://freyelementary.typepad.com/frey/2010/10/index.html - индеец и пилигримhttp://gossip.stupiddeluxe.com/eqj-mufsg.htmhttp://gossip.stupiddeluxe.com/eqj-mufsg.htm - карта на синем фонеhttp://www.netglimse.com/holidays/http://www.netglimse.com/holidays/ - корабль на черных волнахhttp://www.proshkolu.ru/user/sergeywaz/file/592841/ - пилигримы

Слайд 28http://lv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampanoagi - курят трубку мира
http://soluscristus.wordpress.com/ - пилигрим молится
http://pobho.com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=35824&p=435368& -
празднуют день


http://livingingreece.gr/2007/11/22/pilgrims-and-pumpkins-mayflower-and-myths/http://livingingreece.gr/2007/11/22/pilgrims-and-pumpkins-mayflower-and-myths/- корабль отходит от берега

http://shelleytherepublican.com/2007/11http://shelleytherepublican.com/2007/11 - высадка пилигримов

http://sea-wave.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=243 – буря в море

Paintin.html - корабль на голубых волнах

http://gvpl.at.ua/news/krasivyj_prazdnik_den_blagodarenija/2010-11-24-166 -

http://www.misfittoys.net/macysparade.htm - праздник наши дни

http://lv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampanoagi - курят трубку мираhttp://soluscristus.wordpress.com/ - пилигрим молитсяhttp://pobho.com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=35824&p=435368& - празднуют день благодаренияhttp://livingingreece.gr/2007/11/22/pilgrims-and-pumpkins-mayflower-and-myths/http://livingingreece.gr/2007/11/22/pilgrims-and-pumpkins-mayflower-and-myths/- корабль отходит от берега http://shelleytherepublican.com/2007/11http://shelleytherepublican.com/2007/11

Слайд 29http://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-745.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-745.html – женщина с индейкой
http://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-971.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-971.html – тыква
http://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-774http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-774.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-774.html – корзина с пирожками

– индеец с рогом изобилия

http://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-961http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-961.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-961.html – кукуруза

http://s19.radikal.ru/i192/1110/81/e670b0c8dc96.gif - Индейка с овощами

http://sveto4ek.taba.ru/blog - семья молится

http://s017.radikal.ru/i413/1110/4d/fa081b0a82cf.jpg - семья молится

http://www.syrnikov.ru/Mycookery/Klukva.html - клюква

http://prazdnitsa-ru.livejournal.com/80056.html - жареная индейка

http://s007.radikal.ru/i300/1110/b3/6fe546ae2b05.jpg - индейка

http://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-745.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-745.html – женщина с индейкойhttp://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-971.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-971.html – тыкваhttp://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-774http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-774.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-774.html – корзина с пирожкамиhttp://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-597http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-597.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-597.html – индеец с рогом изобилияhttp://http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-961http://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-961.htmlhttp://www.smaily.ru/smile/edaa-961.html –

Слайд 30http://s017.radikal.ru/i435/1110/5f/279bec89bc87.jpg - Дети играют
amerikanskie_selebriti_otmetyat_den_b.html – парад на улице
http://www.diary.ru/~felbert/?tag=855 – парад на


http://nordman75.livejournal.com/907403.html - открытка

http://s017.radikal.ru/i423/1110/98/ec9aebbaac11.jpg - индюшка

http://s017.radikal.ru/i423/1110/1f/de78892734af.jpg - индюшка и десерт

http://s017.radikal.ru/i442/1110/f0/01d26d788c61.jpg - индюшка

http://s017.radikal.ru/i400/1110/60/6522ebe702ab.jpg - ножка

http://s017.radikal.ru/i408/1110/7f/84f3d5bfb2b9.jpg - ноги

http://s017.radikal.ru/i427/1110/95/d96e4654856b.jpg - ноты

http://s017.radikal.ru/i438/1110/43/5e93c719a091.jpg - птичка на шляпе

http://s017.radikal.ru/i435/1110/5f/279bec89bc87.jpg - Дети играютhttp://spletnikdev.crmedia.ru/buzz/chronicle/11110-20081126_kak_amerikanskie_selebriti_otmetyat_den_b.html – парад на улицеhttp://www.diary.ru/~felbert/?tag=855 – парад на улицеhttp://nordman75.livejournal.com/907403.html - открыткаhttp://s017.radikal.ru/i423/1110/98/ec9aebbaac11.jpg - индюшкаhttp://s017.radikal.ru/i423/1110/1f/de78892734af.jpg -

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