Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Clothes

Слайд 1
Spring is green,
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.

Spring is green,Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow.Winter is white.

Слайд 2Winter


Слайд 3Spring


Слайд 4Summer


Слайд 5Autumn


Слайд 6Look, listen and remember the names of the months!

Look, listen and remember the names of the months!

Слайд 9a jumper

a jumper

Слайд 10a jacket

a jacket

Слайд 11 a scarf

 a scarf

Слайд 13a shirt

a shirt

Слайд 14trousers


Слайд 15a skirt

a skirt

Слайд 16a dress

a dress

Слайд 19The telephone conversation between Patsy and Ann

The telephone conversation between Patsy and Ann

Слайд 20

Getting on

все в порядке
Саn’t wait поднимаюсь
On my way ты ужасная!
Aii right! вешаю трубку
I’m only joking не могу дождаться
You’re awful! нет, неправда
No, I’m not я шучу
Hanging up я в дороге
Getting on

Слайд 21Listen and tick the correct answer

Listen and tick the correct answer

Слайд 22
Выберите одно предложение и закончите его.
сегодня я узнал…
было интересно…
было трудно…
я выполнял

теперь я могу…
я научился…
у меня получилось …
я смог…
меня удивило…
мне захотелось…
Выберите одно предложение и закончите его.сегодня я узнал…было интересно…было трудно…я выполнял задания…теперь я могу…я научился…у меня получилось

Слайд 23
Thank you for your work.

Thank you for your work.

Слайд 24Game. Magic Bag.

We put them on our hands
when it is

Game. Magic Bag.We put them on our hands when it is cold.

Слайд 25Game. Magic Bag.


Game. Magic Bag.Gloves

Слайд 26Game. Magic Bag.

We open it
when it is raining.

Game. Magic Bag.We open it when it is raining.

Слайд 27Game. Magic Bag.

An umbrella

Game. Magic Bag.An umbrella

Слайд 28Game. Solve the riddle.

A little old woman with twelve children, some

short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is she?

Game. Solve the riddle.	A little old woman with twelve children, some short, some long, some cold, some

Слайд 29Game. Solve the riddle.

A little old woman with twelve children, some

short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is she?

Game. Solve the riddle.	A little old woman with twelve children, some short, some long, some cold, some

Слайд 30Cross the odd word
Winter, spring, May, autumn.
January, October, February, December.
Winter, season,

summer, spring, autumn.
Cold, hot, yellow, warm.
Snow, flowers, cold, winter.
Cross the odd wordWinter, spring, May, autumn.January, October, February, December.Winter, season, summer, spring, autumn.Cold, hot, yellow, warm.Snow,

Слайд 31True or False
It’s hot in winter.
We can ski in summer.
June is

a summer month.
January is the first month of a year.
There are four seasons in a year.
It’ freezing in summer.
We can go swimming in summer.
True or FalseIt’s hot in winter.We can ski in summer.June is a summer month.January is the first

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