Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Bon free

Tall trees, tall trees,Big tall trees.Tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.The coast of California is a beautiful sightWith the tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.Tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.Big trees, tall trees,

Слайд 1Born free

Born free

Слайд 2Tall trees, tall trees,
Big tall trees.
Tall trees, tall trees, big tall

The coast of California is a beautiful sight
With the tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.
Tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.
Big trees, tall trees, big trees, tall trees, big trees, tall trees.
Big tall trees.
Tall trees, tall trees,Big tall trees.Tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.The coast of California is a

Слайд 3Desert ['dezət]

Desert ['dezət]

Слайд 4Savannah |səˈvænə|

Savannah |səˈvænə|

Слайд 5Grassland [ˈɡrɑ:slænd]

Grassland [ˈɡrɑ:slænd]

Слайд 6Wood [wud]

Wood [wud]

Слайд 7Wetland [ˈwetlənd]

Wetland [ˈwetlənd]

Слайд 8tropical rainforest [ˈtrɔpɪkəl ˈreɪnfɒrɪst]

tropical rainforest [ˈtrɔpɪkəl ˈreɪnfɒrɪst]

Слайд 9Polar region
[ˈpəulə ˈriːdʒ(ə)n]

Polar region [ˈpəulə ˈriːdʒ(ə)n]

Слайд 10Where do they live?
Parrots live in the tropical rainforest.

live in the desert.
Where do they live? Parrots live in the tropical rainforest. Camels live in the desert.

Слайд 13‘we should close all zoos and return the animals to their

natural habitats.’
‘we should close all zoos and return the animals to their natural habitats.’

Слайд 15Would you like to have a monkey as a pet? To

feed it and play with it and take it to the park? Well, think twice before you make any decisions. Things are not that simple.
Sure, on the one hand owning a wild animal is a very good way to learn about it. You also help conserve it.
On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks to keeping a wild animal as a pet. Most owners do not know how to look after a wild animal properly and books on the subject are not always accurate. Wild animals need special food and they often get sick when they do not live in their natural habitats. Furthermore, they can be dangerous.
To sum up, there are strong arguments both for and against keeping wild animals as pets. However, I believe that animals have rights, too, and that they should not be forced to live in strange environments. We should adopt animals in zoos rather than keep them as pets.
Would you like to have a monkey as a pet? To feed it and play with it

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