Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Australia

Map of Australia

Слайд 1Australia


Слайд 2

Map of Australia

Map of Australia

Слайд 3Flora and Fauna of Australia

Flora and Fauna of Australia

Слайд 4Fauna of Australia
The koala is the emblem of Queensland
The platypus is

the emblem of New South Wales


Fauna of Australia The koala is the emblem of QueenslandThe platypus is the emblem of New South

Слайд 5The echidna
Oposssums are Victoria’s faunal emblem

The echidnaOposssums are Victoria’s faunal emblemUlysses

Слайд 6Flora of Australia

Flora of AustraliaEucalyptusAcacia

Слайд 7Fern
Huon pine

FernHuon pine

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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