Презентация, доклад по англ. языку на тему Future Tenses

Future Simpleshall/will + V1 Shall not = shan’t Will not = won’t tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, tonight, next year (month, week), in a

преподаватель английского языка

Светлана Валерьевна

Future Tenses

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБОРОНЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ  ФГКОУ «СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКОЕ СУВОРОВСКОЕ ВОЕННОЕ УЧИЛИЩЕ»   Выполнила:преподаватель английского языкаАгузарова Светлана ВалерьевнаFuture Tenses

Слайд 2Future Simple
shall/will + V1
Shall not

= shan’t Will not = won’t

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, tonight, next year (month, week), in a year (month, week)

He will call me tomorrow.
Will he call me tomorrow?
He will not (won’t) call me.

Future Simpleshall/will + V1      Shall not = shan’t

Слайд 3Open the brackets
1. She (to spend) time with her family.
2. You

(to go) shopping tomorrow?
3. He (to become) a famous actor some day.
4. I (not to do) such a thing again.
5. You (to help) me with my work?
6. My mother (not to buy) me a new phone.
7. Father (to give) more pocket money.

Open the brackets1. She (to spend) time with her family.2. You (to go) shopping tomorrow?3. He (to

Слайд 4Придаточные времени (когда?)
When когда
As soon

as как только
After после
Before до
Till/until до тех пор, пока (не)
Придаточные условия (при каком условии?)
If если
Придаточные времени (когда?)When       когдаAs soon as    как толькоAfter

Слайд 5 Future

Я позвоню тебе, когда приду домой.

Future Present
I shall call you when I come home.

Future Future
Он вернёт мне книгу, как только прочтёт её.

Future Present
He will return me the book as soon as he reads it.
Future            FutureЯ позвоню

Слайд 6Open the brackets using Future Simple and Present Simple
We (to go)

to the cinema if you (to buy) tickets.
We shall go to the cinema if you buy tickets.
I (not to speak) to him if he (not to apologize).
I shan’t speak to him if he doesn’t apologize.
You (to call) on me when you (to be) in Moscow?
Will you call on me when you are in Moscow?
If you (not to hurry) you (to miss) the train.
If you don’t hurry you will miss the train.
Open the brackets using Future Simple and Present SimpleWe (to go) to the cinema if you (to

Слайд 7Ma k e s e n t e n c e s

Ma k e  s e n t e n c e s

Слайд 8Future Continuous
shall/will be +Ving

At this time tomorrow, at 3 tomorrow,

whole day tomorrow

He will be helping his father at this time tomorrow.
Will he be helping his father at this time tomorrow?
He will not (won’t) be helping his father at this time tomorrow.

Future Continuousshall/will be +VingAt this time tomorrow, at 3 tomorrow, the whole day tomorrowHe will be helping

Слайд 9Future Perfect
before, by, by the time

She will have written the letter

by 3 o’clock.
Will she have written the letter by 3 o’clock?
She will not have written the letter by 3 o’clock.

Future Perfectshall/will+have+V3before, by, by the timeShe will have written the letter by 3 o’clock.Will she have written

Слайд 10Future Perfect Continuous
shall/will + have been + Ving
by, for

By 8 o’clock

you will have been surfing the Net for three hours.
Will you have been surfing the Net for three hours?
By 8 o’clock you will not have been surfing the Net for three hours.

Future Perfect Continuousshall/will + have been + Vingby, forBy 8 o’clock you will have been surfing the

Слайд 11Future forms
To be going to
Present Simple
Present Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect



Shall/will + V1

Shall/will+ Ving

Shall/will have+V3

Shall/will have been+Ving

Am,is,are + going to

V1 (es)/ do,does

Am,is,are + Ving

This time (at 3, from 5 till 7) tomorrow

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, next week, tonight,
in a month

By the time, before,

By, for

Планы на будущее, намерения, прогнозы

Придаточные времени и условия,
расписание, программа

Договоренность на будущее

Future formsTo be going toPresent SimplePresent ContinuousFuture SimpleFuture Perfect ContinuousFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousShall/will + V1Shall/will+ VingShall/will have+V3Shall/will have

Слайд 13Reflection
-Теперь я знаю, что придаточные времени вводятся словами…

Я узнал, что придаточные

условия вводятся словом…

Я понял, что в придаточных времени и условия мы не употребляем…

Я выучил, что в придаточных времени и условия мы употребляем…
Reflection-Теперь я знаю, что придаточные времени вводятся словами…Я узнал, что придаточные условия вводятся словом…Я понял, что в

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