Презентация, доклад на урок английского языка по теме Бизнес этика в Америке

Greeting and Appeal Greeting According to American business etiquette, greeting and familiarity is accompanied by a handshake. In the US, it is not customary to exchange kisses and kiss the

Слайд 1business ethic in USA

business ethic in USA

Слайд 2Greeting and Appeal

According to American business etiquette, greeting and familiarity is accompanied by a handshake. In the US, it is not customary to exchange kisses and kiss the hand of a woman. With more friendly communication, as a sign of greeting, Americans are used to slapping each other on the back.
Americans, having a friendly character, always strive to establish an informal atmosphere at the talks, therefore they prefer to communicate with people by name, regardless of their age or status

Greeting and Appeal    Greeting    According to American business etiquette, greeting and

Слайд 3Relationship to time
“Time is money”

Relationship to time“Time is money”

Слайд 4Relationship to woman

Relationship to womanWoman=Men

Слайд 5Business conversation
Business etiquette of the United States is not

much different from European, but there are some peculiarities.
Business conversation  Business etiquette of the United States is not much different from European, but there

Слайд 6Features of negotiation
The meeting will be saturated, have a

specific goal, and lasts no more than an hour.
Features of negotiation  The meeting will be saturated, have a specific goal, and lasts no more

Слайд 7Business suit
Higher the position, the formal suit

Business suit   Higher the position, the formal suit

Слайд 8Thank you!

Thank you!

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