Презентация, доклад на Английском языке: Money all over the world.

Whenever people pay for goods or services, they use some forms of money. Money can be almost anything, as long as everyone agrees on its value.

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Слайд 4Whenever people pay for goods or services, they use some forms

of money. Money can be almost anything, as long as everyone agrees on its value.
Whenever people pay for goods or services, they use some forms of money. Money can be almost

Слайд 5One of the earliest forms of money was metal, such as

gold or silver. In North America, Native Americans used beads made of shell, called wampum, as a form of money.  
One of the earliest forms of money was metal, such as gold or silver. In North America,

Слайд 6Before people used money, they bartered, or traded things they had

for the things they wanted. For example, a person may have traded five goats for one cow.
Before people used money, they bartered, or traded things they had for the things they wanted. For

Слайд 7Bartering was not always simple, though. Each person had to agree

that the items being traded had an equal value. Also, each person had to have something that the other person wanted.
Bartering was not always simple, though. Each person had to agree that the items being traded had

Слайд 8People invented money to avoid bartering. Someone with five goats could

exchange them for a certain amount of money instead of a cow. The person could then exchange that money for grain, cloth, or other goods of the same value. But it was a very difficult process.

People invented money to avoid bartering. Someone with five goats could exchange them for a certain amount

Слайд 9Today the metal coins and pieces of paper that people use

for money have little real value. In other words, people do not use the paper for writing or the metal for making tools.
Today the metal coins and pieces of paper that people use for money have little real value.

Слайд 10The value of paper money and coins comes from an agreement

between all people. They agree that they will accept certain forms of money in exchange for their goods and services. This agreement between people is the reason money works.
The value of paper money and coins comes from an agreement between all people. They agree that

Слайд 11People have used money for more than 4,000 years. In the

600s BC the kingdom of Lydia in what is now Turkey began to make coins. It was probably the first government to do so. These coins were a combination of silver and gold, called electrum. Many ancient peoples, including the Greeks and the Romans, also used coins.

People have used money for more than 4,000 years. In the 600s BC the kingdom of Lydia

Слайд 13The first types of paper money were used in China more

than 1,000 years ago. Early paper money was simply a written promise to pay a certain amount of gold or silver money.
The first types of paper money were used in China more than 1,000 years ago. Early paper

Слайд 15The paper money was valuable because it could be traded for

gold or silver. Later, governments began printing paper money. In the 1900s most governments made paper money valuable on its own. It no longer stood for gold or silver.

The paper money was valuable because it could be traded for gold or silver. Later, governments began

Слайд 19People work for money, they sometimes make friends for money, they

love, live and die, for money. Why does money rule the world, why do people need money?
What is money?
What is currency?
What are the main uses of money?

What is money?

People work for money, they sometimes make friends for money, they love, live and die, for money.

Слайд 20Answer some questions!
What is money?
What is currency?
What are the main uses

of money?
Answer some questions!What is money?What is currency?What are the main uses of money?

Слайд 21THE END


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