Презентация, доклад к уроку в 5 классе Погода. Сезоны. Одевайся правильно

What are they wearing? Describe them.He is wearing …

Слайд 1Seasons and Clothes

Seasons and Clothes

Слайд 5What are they wearing? Describe them.
He is wearing …

What are they wearing? Describe them.He is wearing …

Слайд 6She is wearing …

She is wearing …

Слайд 7Match the sentences to the pictures.
1. It’s not very cold. It

isn’t raining at the moment but sometimes it rains.
2. It’s very hot and the sun is shining.
3. It’s very cold and it’s snowing.
4. It’s warm and the sun is shining.
Match the sentences to the pictures.ABCD1. It’s not very cold. It isn’t raining at the moment but

Слайд 8What are these people doing?

What are these people doing?

Слайд 131. It’s raining.

а) we take an umbrella.
2. When it rains … b) Let’s go swimming!
3. When it’s hot … c) we put on warm jackets.
4. The sun is shining! d) Put on your raincoat.
5. When it’s very cold … e) we go swimming.

Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences.

1. It’s raining.              а)

Слайд 14Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the

Present Continuous.

Daniel ……………... (go) camping once a month.
……………………… (it/not rain) at the moment.
I always ……………. (have) a glass of milk before I go to bed.
I ………………… (wait) for Mike right now.
………………………… (you/speak) English?

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.Daniel ……………... (go) camping once

Слайд 151. In a winter storm,
I keep your neck warm.
What am I?


We can’t help your nose but,
We’re very good at warming toes.
What are we?

3. Five rooms but one door.
What is it?

Do you know? What is it?

4. I start with the letter J,
And keep you warm on a cold day.
What am I?

5. If your head might freeze,
Put me on please.
What am I?

1. In a winter storm,I keep your neck warm.What am I?2. We can’t help your nose but,

Слайд 161. John makes/is making a snowman at the moment.
2. What time

does/do the train leave?
3. Laura and Tim are watching/watch TV now.
4. Does Jane like/Is Jane liking your new flat?
5. On Sundays, we usually stay/are staying at home.

Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. John makes/is making a snowman at the moment.2. What time does/do the train leave?3. Laura and

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