There was an old person of Fife, (a)
Who was greatly disgusted with life; (a)
They sang him a ballad, (b)
And fed him on salad, (b)
Which cured that old person of Fife. (a)
But when he came to the zoo,
There was no kangaroo,
And that saved the young man of Peru.
There was an Old Man of Dumbree,
Who taught little Owls to drink Tea;
For he said, "To eat mice
Is not proper or nice,"
That amiable Man of Dumbree.
There was a Young Lady whose nose
Was so long that it reached to her toes;
So she hired an Old Lady,
Whose conduct was steady,
To carry that wonderful nose.
There was on Old Man of the Isles,
Whose face was pervaded with smiles;
He sung high dum diddle,
And played on the fiddle,
That amiable Man of the Isles.
(Edward Lear)
As I was going along,
long, long,
A singing a comical song,
song, song,
The lane that I went was so
long, long, long,
And the song that I sang
was so long, long, long,
And so I went singing along.
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