Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Времена года (3 класс)

Слайд 1 Seasons


Слайд 2Seasons


Слайд 3
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

Spring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is yellow,Winter is white.

Слайд 4Winter
December, January and February are winter months

WinterDecember, January and February are winter months

Слайд 5Winter
This is the season
When morning is dark
And birds don’t sing
In forest

and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frosty
Brings the New Year tree.
WinterThis is the seasonWhen morning is darkAnd birds don’t singIn forest and park.This is the seasonWhen children

Слайд 6Spring
March, April and May are spring months

SpringMarch, April and May are spring months

Слайд 7Spring
This is the season
When snowdrops bloom
When nobody likes
To be

in the room
This is the season
When birds make their nests
This is the season
We are all the best.
SpringThis is the season When snowdrops bloomWhen nobody likes To be in the roomThis is the seasonWhen

Слайд 8Summer
June, July and August are summer months

SummerJune, July and August are summer months

Слайд 9Summer

This is the season
When nights are short
When children are full
Of fun

and sport.
Playing, swimming
All the day
With a happy song
On a sunny day.
SummerThis is the seasonWhen nights are shortWhen children are fullOf fun and sport.Playing, swimmingAll the dayWith a

Слайд 10Autumn
August, September and October are autumn months

AutumnAugust, September and October are autumn months

Слайд 11Autumn
This is the season
When fruit is sweet
This is the season

school friends meet
When noisy and gay
And brown in the sun
With their books and bags
To school they run.

AutumnThis is the seasonWhen fruit is sweetThis is the season When school friends meetWhen noisy and gayAnd

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