Презентация, доклад к уроку учащихся: Кутенкова Кристина Наша школа сегодня 7 класс

Our school

Слайд 1Our school

Our school

Слайд 2Our school

Our school

Слайд 3Let's have an excursion in our school We begin it with beautiful

and comfortable entrance hall. We can see many flowers here.
Let's have an excursion in our school We begin it with beautiful and comfortable entrance hall. We

Слайд 4Hall of the school

Hall of the school

Слайд 5Hall of the school

Hall of the school

Слайд 6Hall of the school

Hall of the school

Слайд 7Secretary’s room

Secretary’s room

Слайд 8Head – teacher’s assistants’ room

Head – teacher’s assistants’ room

Слайд 9We have two shifts lessons because our school is small.

We have two shifts lessons because our school is small.

Слайд 10«Business Life» Stand

«Business Life» Stand

Слайд 11Teacher’s room

Teacher’s room

Слайд 12«Sport achievements» stand

«Sport achievements» stand

Слайд 13Our stadium

Our stadium

Слайд 14Our sportground

Our sportground

Слайд 15«We are proud of them» stand

«We are proud of them» stand

Слайд 16We have eleven classrooms: Two Russian Literature classrooms Two Mathematics classrooms Biology classroom Chemistry classroom Physics

classroom History classroom English Study and others
We have eleven classrooms: Two Russian Literature classrooms Two Mathematics classrooms Biology classroom Chemistry classroom Physics classroom

Слайд 17Russian Literature Classroom

Russian Literature Classroom

Слайд 18Russian Literature Classroom

Russian Literature Classroom

Слайд 19Russian Literature Classroom

Russian Literature Classroom

Слайд 20Russian Literature Classroom

Russian Literature Classroom

Слайд 21Mathematics Classroom

Mathematics Classroom

Слайд 22During breaks we have tea in our school canteen

During breaks we have tea in our school canteen

Слайд 23School Canteen

School Canteen

Слайд 24School Canteen

School Canteen

Слайд 25We have a gymnasium. Where pupils have physical education lessons.

We have a gymnasium.  Where pupils have physical education lessons.

Слайд 26Gymnasium


Слайд 27Sport cloak - room

Sport cloak - room

Слайд 28Toilet for boys

Toilet  for boys

Слайд 29Our school has two floors

Our school has two floors

Слайд 31Toilet for girls

Toilet for  girls

Слайд 32Our school is small, but it is comfortable and cosy

Our school is small, but it is comfortable and cosy

Слайд 33The second floor corridor

The second floor corridor

Слайд 34Chemistry Classroom

Chemistry Classroom

Слайд 35Biology Classroom

Biology Classroom

Слайд 36English Study

English Study

Слайд 37Sometimes we perform concert in our Concert hall

Sometimes we perform concert in our Concert hall

Слайд 38Our Concert Hall

Our Concert Hall

Слайд 39Our Concert Hall

Our Concert Hall

Слайд 40Our Memorial Stands

Our Memorial Stands

Слайд 41Winter garden

Winter garden

Слайд 42We love our school very much

We love our school very much

Слайд 43Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

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