Презентация, доклад к уроку. Тема: Морской бой. (5 класс)


Dear students. Welcome to our game “Sea Battle ”. I am

Слайд 1«Sea Battle»
Аленчикова С.А.
учитель английского языка
МОУ Гимназия №16 «Интерес»

«Sea Battle»Подготовила: Аленчикова С.А.учитель английского языка МОУ Гимназия №16 «Интерес»

Слайд 2

Dear students.
Welcome to our game “Sea Battle ”.
I am sure you like to watch this game on TV and know its rules. But I have changed them a little. We have two teams.You will try to guess where the ship of the enemy is. Then you will have the task. If the pupil of one team do the task better, than another, they will have the ship. At the end of the game the teams will count the ships and we shall find out who is the winner. The theme of the game is “English - Speaking Countries”. Our rounds will be English and Russian languages.
Let’s begin the first round. Answer my questions, please

Слайд 3The First Round
The United Kingdom

The First RoundThe United Kingdom

Слайд 41. What kind of state in the United Kingdom?
a democratic

parliamentary monarchy
a constitutional monarchy
2. What does the word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, mean?
3. What is the national emblem of England?
a rose
a thistle
a daffodil
4. What is the national emblem of Scotland?
a rose
a thistle
a daffodil
5. What is the national emblem of Wales?
a rose
a thistle
a daffodil

The United Kingdom

1.  What kind of state in the United Kingdom?a democratica parliamentary monarchya constitutional monarchy2.  What

Слайд 5The United Kingdom

What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland?
a rose

a shamrock and a red hand
a thistle
What is the capital of England?
What is the capital of Scotland?
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
What is the capital of Wales?

The United KingdomWhat is the national emblem of Northern Ireland?a rose a shamrock and a red handa

Слайд 6
What is the nickname of the flag of the UK?
Government Flag

What is the name of the London residence of Queen Elisabeth II?
Buckingham Palace
Big Ben
What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK?
No. 10, Downing St
Big Ben
Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral?
Sir Christopher Wren
Jack London
Mark Twain
What is the nickname of London’s Underground?
The Tube

The United Kingdom

What is the nickname of the flag of the UK?FlagGovernment FlagUnion JackWhat is the name of the

Слайд 716. What was the first name of London?
Llyn –

17. What is the largest museum in London?
The British Museum
The London Museum
The Scotland Museum
18. Who was the first woman Prime Minister in the UK?
Margaret Thatcher
Vladimir Putin
Dmitry Medvedev
19. What is the name of the first Queen of the UK?
20. What is the biggest city in Scotland?

The United Kingdom

16.   What was the first name of London?Llyn – DynLondonEdinburgh17.  What is the largest

Слайд 8
What is the highest mountain in Scotland?
Ben Nevis
What is the highest

mountain in Wales?
Ben Nevis
What is the traditional male costume in Scotland?
The kilt
The short
The socks
What is another name of the Houses of Parliament?
Palace of Westminster
The British Parliament

The United Kingdom

What is the highest mountain in Scotland?Ben NevisSnowdonWhat is the highest mountain in Wales?Ben NevisSnowdonWhat is the

Слайд 9The Second Round
The United Kingdom

The Second RoundThe United Kingdom

Слайд 10
На какой реке находится Лондон?
Назовите самые большие часы в мире.
Кто сидел

во главе рыцарского « круглого стола»?
Обиталище легендарного чудовища в Шотландии?
Что такое регби?
Во что играют на знаменитом Уимблдонском турнире?
Кем по профессии был англичанин Кристофер Рен?
Музыкальный инструмент, представляющий собой кожаный мешок с трубой, через которую вдувают воздух?
Почему на ирландской монете изображена арфа?
Трагическая королева Шотландии?
В какой праздник в Шотландии заходящие в дом гости несут в руках кусочек угля?
Как зовут святого покровителя влюблённых?
Какому литературному персонажу посвящён музей на Бейкер стрит в Лондоне?
В графстве Нотингемшир был старинный королевский так называемый Шервудский лес. С именем какого легендарного героя он был связан?

The United Kingdom

На какой реке находится Лондон?Назовите самые большие часы в мире.Кто сидел во главе рыцарского « круглого стола»?Обиталище

Слайд 11The Third Round
What Have You Learned About America?

The Third RoundWhat Have You Learned About America?

Слайд 12
Who discovered America?
Admiral Nelson
Captain James Cook
Christopher Columbus
Who was the first president

of the USA?
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Wilson
What is the national symbol of the USA?
A red rose
The bald eagle
What is the capital of the United States of America?
Los Angeles
New York
Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
In New Orleans
In Chicago
In New York

What Have You Learned About America?

Who discovered America?Admiral NelsonCaptain James CookChristopher ColumbusWho was the first president of the USA?George WashingtonThomas JeffersonRonald WilsonWhat

Слайд 13How many stripes does the American flag have?
When do Americans celebrate

Independence Day?
July, 4
July, 14
July, 24
What is the national sport in America?
What is the oldest public building in Washington?
Empire State Building
The Capitol
The White House
Where are laws made in the USA?
Hearst Castle
The Capitol

What Have You Learned About America?

How many stripes does the American flag have?201713When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?July, 4July, 14July, 24What is

Слайд 14
In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
What is the capital of

Salt Lake City
What is the tallest building in the world?
Mormon Temple
Lincoln Memorial
The Sears Tower
On what river is Washington situated?
The Potomac River
What was the first capital of the USA?

What Have You Learned About America?

In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?SeptemberOctoberNovemberWhat is the capital of Georgia?Salt Lake CityAtlantaFrankfortWhat is the tallest

Слайд 15
What is the nickname of the US government?
Uncle Ben
Uncle Sam
Uncle Ted

which ship did the Pilgrim Fathers sale to America?
The Pioneer
The Peace
The Mayflower
What is the biggest state of the USA?

What Have You Learned About America?

What is the nickname of the US government?Uncle BenUncle SamUncle TedOn which ship did the Pilgrim Fathers

Слайд 16The Fourth Round
What Have You Learned About America?

The Fourth RoundWhat Have You Learned About America?

Слайд 17

It is one of the most beautiful places

in the capital of the USA. It is the part where the President of the United States lives and works and it is not open to the public. It consists of 132 rooms. You can visit the library, the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green Room which have some fantastic old furniture.

What Have You Learned About America?

It is one of the most beautiful places in the capital of the USA.

Слайд 18The White House

The White House

Слайд 19 2. It is one of the places

which attract the tourists visiting America. It is one mile deep and 277 miles long. There are different kinds of plants and animals on the opposite sides of the canyon. The south side is a dry and desert country. The north side has tall forests. It looks different at different times of the day and in different seasons and weather.

Слайд 20Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Слайд 21 3. It was built in New York Harbor in

1886. It was a gift from the people of France to America. About 12 millions immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. It was the first thing they saw after their long trip. It is America’s symbol of freedom.
3.  It was built in New York Harbor in

Слайд 22The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

Слайд 23 4. It is the tallest building in Washington, D.C.,

and the most famous building in the United States, because it is a place where the laws are made. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. You can visit this place from 9 a. m. to 3: 45 p. m. You can learn a lot about the first settlements in New England in it.
4.   It is the tallest building

Слайд 24The Capitol

The Capitol

Слайд 25The Fifth Round
English-Speaking Countries

The Fifth RoundEnglish-Speaking Countries

Слайд 26
How large is the population of Australia?
About 16 million people
About 17

million people
About 18 million people
What is the longest river in Australia?
The Murchison
The Murray
The Darling
What is the largest lake in Australia?
L. Torrens
L. Eyre
What is the largest city in Australia?
What is the capital of Australia?

English-Speaking Countries

How large is the population of Australia?About 16 million peopleAbout 17 million peopleAbout 18 million peopleWhat is

Слайд 27
What was the first capital of Australia?
What is the official language

of Australia?
What are Australians national colours?
Green and gold
Green and blue
Green and red
What is the best-loved animal in Australia?
The Emu
The Koala
The Echidna

English-Speaking Countries

What was the first capital of Australia?MelboureCanberraPortlandWhat is the official language of Australia?FrenchEnglishGermanWhat are Australians national colours?Green

Слайд 28
10. What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of

The Kangaroo and the Emu
The Koala and the Emu
The Kangaroo and the Echidna
What domestic animal outnumbers people in Australia?
The sheep
The cow
The horse
Who discovered Australia?
Amerigo Vespucci
Captain James Cook
Christopher Columbus
When do people celebrate the New Year in Australia?
In the middle of autumn
In the middle of winter
In the middle of summer
What animal nearly ruined Australia?
The wolf
The fox
The rabbit

English-Speaking Countries

10.  What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms?The Kangaroo and the EmuThe Koala

Слайд 29
15. What was the name of the Australian continent

when Cook explored its eastern coast?
New World
New England
New Molland
Who discovered Tasmania?
Captain James Cook
Captain Abel Tasman
Amerigo Vespucci
What is the national anthem of Australia?
Advance Australia Fair
Union Jack
The Capitol
What is the capital of Tasmania?

English-Speaking Countries

15.   What was the name of the Australian continent when Cook explored its eastern coast?New

Слайд 30The Sixth Round
English-Speaking Countries

The Sixth RoundEnglish-Speaking Countries

Слайд 31

Популярная в 60-е годы музыкальная группа?
Назовите имя француженки, жившей два столетия

назад в Англии и прославившей себя тем, что делала восковые фигуры и открыла галерею из них?
Шестёрка слуг, служащая каждому человеку по Киплингу?
Что такое килт?
Назовите национальный символ Шотландии?
Какой известный шотландский поэт XVIII века воспевал неповторимую красоту Хайлендза?
Английский комедийный актёр, играл на заре зарождения немого кино?
В каком лондонском парке находится «уголок оратора»?
Назовите не менее 4 видов спорта, которые родились в Англии?

English-Speaking Countries

Популярная в 60-е годы музыкальная группа?Назовите имя француженки, жившей два столетия назад в Англии и прославившей себя

Слайд 32The Seventh Round
English-Speaking Countries

The Seventh RoundEnglish-Speaking Countries

Слайд 33 Put the words in a logical order: 1. Have, what, you, seen,

in the park? 2. Who, last, was, in Los Angeles, year? 3. They, when, celebrate, will, Halloween? 4. Going, to Texas, why, he, is? 5. Whom, people, near, House, can, the, White, meet?
Put the words in a logical order:  1. Have, what, you, seen,

Слайд 36Thank You For Attention

Thank You For Attention

Слайд 37Используемые источники

Используемые источникиhttp://stand.org/sites/default/files/National/White%20House%20Cherry%20Blossoms.jpghttp://www.wallpapersas.com/wallpapers/2013/03/Arizona-Havasu-Falls-1440x2560.jpghttp://www.alsgroepopreis.nl/uploads/bestemmingen/New_York/New-York-vrijheidsbeeld.jpghttp://static1.squarespace.com/static/51baed79e4b00e9baa2666a4/t/5421910be4b09b4760c6d871/1411485966912/1XScreen_21-06-2014_06-41-20.jpg?format=2500w

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