Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка в 5м классе Типичный английский дом

Tongue twisterThere is a big black bedIn the big black bedroom.

Слайд 1The 21st of November

The 21st of NovemberWednesday

Слайд 2Tongue twister
There is a big black bed
In the big black bedroom.

Tongue twisterThere is a big black bedIn the big black bedroom.

Слайд 3Tongue twister
Ted has a red bed.
On his bed Ted said:
“Red bed,

red bed”.
Tongue twisterTed has a red bed.On his bed Ted said:“Red bed, red bed”.

Слайд 4There is/there are
1. There …. four rooms in our flat.
2. There

…. no TV in my bedroom.
3. … there any paintings in the living room?
4. There … a fridge, a cooker and a sink in the kitchen.
5. … there any books in the bookcase?
6. There …. no carpet in the kitchen.

There is/there are1. There …. four rooms in our flat.2. There …. no TV in my bedroom.3.

Слайд 5What is it ?
It is a bedroom.

What is it ?It is a bedroom.

Слайд 6What is it ?
It is a hall.

What is it ?It is a hall.

Слайд 7What is it ?
It is a kitchen.

What is it ?It is a kitchen.

Слайд 8What is it ?
It is a bathroom.

What is it ?It is a bathroom.

Слайд 9What is it ?
It is a living-room.

What is it ?It is a living-room.

Слайд 10What is it ?
It is a dining-room.

What is it ?It is a dining-room.

Слайд 11What are there in the rooms?

What are there in the rooms?

Слайд 12I like to sit on it and
read in the evening.

Guess the word

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I like to sit on it and read in the evening. Guess the word_ _ _ _

Слайд 13It is on the floor of the living
room. It makes

it cosy.

Guess the word

_ _ _ _ _ _

It is on the floor of the living room. It makes it cosy.Guess the word_ _ _

Слайд 14I usually switch it on when I do
my homework in the


Guess the word

_ _ _ _

I usually switch it on when I domy homework in the evening.Guess the word_ _ _ _

Слайд 15There is one of them
on the wall in the bedroom.

the word

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

There is one of them on the wall in the bedroom.Guess the word_ _ _ _ _

Слайд 16Thank you!

Thank you!

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