Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка в 4 классе на тему Одежда в разную погоду

Clothes in different weather.

Слайд 1

The 3d of March.

The 3d of March.Tuesday.Classwork.

Слайд 2Clothes in different weather.

Clothes in different weather.

Слайд 3
Unit 6 ex. 17

Unit 6 ex. 17

Слайд 4-ght = [t]
i + ght = [ait]


light night
-ght = [t]i + ght = [ait] bright        right

Слайд 5What is missing?

What is missing?

Слайд 14There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes.

There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes.

Слайд 15- What clothes do you need when it's cold ( sunny,

snowy, hot, rainy, cool)?
- I need …

- What clothes do you need when it's cold ( sunny, snowy, hot, rainy, cool)?- I need

Слайд 16Unit 6 ex. 16

Unit 6 ex. 16

Слайд 17put on — надевать

have on — быть
put on — надевать            have on

Слайд 18- When it's cold and rainy, you may put on ….

When it's frosty and snowy, you may put on ...
- When it's warm and windy, you may put on …
- When it's cold and windy, you may put on …
- When it's sunny and hot, you may put on …

- When it's cold and rainy, you may put on ….- When it's frosty and snowy, you

Слайд 19Clothes test
1. We wear them to keep our hands warm.
2. We

wear it to keep our heads warm.
3. We wrap it around our necks in winter.
4. 'Levis' and 'Wranglers' are …
5. Men usually wear one around their necks.
6. We wear them on our feet under footwear.
7. We wear it on top of our clothes to keep us warm.
8. Boys usually have it on.
9. Girls usually have it and a blouse on .
10. Trousers or a skirt with a matching jacket is called a…

Clothes test1. We wear them to keep our hands warm.2. We wear it to keep our heads

Слайд 20 Hometask:
Exercises 2, 5 p. 96-96
WB exercise 7 p. 49

Hometask: Exercises 2, 5 p. 96-96WB exercise 7 p. 49

Слайд 21

Thank you for the lesson.

Thank you for the lesson.

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