last opportunity to tell you how much I love you and how much your actions hurt me.
I gave life to your parents and their parents before them. I provided you with the food you needed, with fresh water and with clean air to breathe.
The rivers and seas are my life blood. You have clogged my arteries with chemicals from your factories. This has killed so much of the sea life which was there for your benefit.
You have been greedy. You have overfished and overhunted, putting at risk your food supplies and endangering some of my most beautiful creatures - the whales.
I can no longer breathe because you have cut down so many of my life-giving trees. Without their vital oxygen we will all die, but you put profit before our very lives, and my tears have now turned to acid rain.
My face is marked and scarred by your bombs and guns and my body is the burial -ground for the victims of your wars.
I have said good bye to the many old friends who will soon be joined by others: the tiger, the elephant, the rhinoceros and the panda. Unless you act now to improve the situation, they will be joined by you and me.
Please help me! And help yourselves!
Mother Earth
My dear children,