Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка по теме House

A living room

Слайд 1

Слайд 4A living room

A living room

Слайд 5Kitchen


Слайд 6Bedroom


Слайд 7Bathroom


Слайд 8Garden


Слайд 9Cupboard, mirror, fridge, sofa, cooker, glass

Cupboard, mirror, fridge, sofa, cooker, glass

Слайд 10Cupboard


Слайд 16Is / are
Where is a pen? It is on the table.


are pens? They are on the desk.
Is / areWhere is a pen? It is on the table.Where are pens? They are on the

Слайд 17There is / there are
There is a glass on the table.

There are two glasses in the cupboard.
There is / there areThere is a glass on the table. There are two glasses in the

Слайд 18Is / are
There … a green sofa in the living

There … two chairs in the kitchen.
There … toys under the bed.
There … yellow flowers in front of the house.
There … a lamp on the table.
There … a lamp behind the armchair.
Is / are There … a green sofa in the living room.There … two chairs in the

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