Презентация, доклад к проекту Англицизмы в русском языке Anglicizes in the Russian language

PlanIntroduction.Anglicizes in school life.The English borrowings in daily conversations.Anglicizes in the computer area.Conclusion.

Слайд 1Anglicizes in the Russian language
Presented by Vlasenko Kate
Form 6 «A»

Anglicizes in the Russian languagePresented by Vlasenko KateForm 6 «A»

Слайд 2Plan
Anglicizes in school life.
The English borrowings in daily conversations.
Anglicizes in the

computer area.
PlanIntroduction.Anglicizes in school life.The English borrowings in daily conversations.Anglicizes in the computer area.Conclusion.

Слайд 3Anglicizes in school life
the word «English» (английский) is transferred from school

slang «English»
the word «weekend» (выходной) transferred from the English «weekend»
the word «face» (лицо) transferred from the English «face»
the word «friend» (друг) transferred from the English «friend»
Anglicizes in school lifethe word «English» (английский) is transferred from school slang «English» the word «weekend» (выходной)

Слайд 4The English borrowings in daily conversations
«hi» (приветствие) from the English «hi»

as greeting
«OK» (все в порядке) from the English «OK»
«sorry» (извини) from the English «sorry»
«wow» (великолепно) from the English «wow»
«no problem» (нет проблем) from the English «no problem»
«cool» (круто) from the English «cool»
«respect» (уважение) from the English «respect»

The English borrowings in daily conversations«hi» (приветствие) from the English «hi» as greeting«OK» (все в порядке) from

Слайд 5Anglicizes in the computer area
«computer» (компьютер) from

the English «computer»
«online» (на линии) from the English «online»
«DVD-player» (DVD плейер) from the English «DVD-player»
Anglicizes in the computer area«computer» (компьютер) from     the English «computer» «online» (на линии)

Слайд 6Conclusion
Unfortunately, these words have become firmly

established in our media and advertising. It is difficult to disagree with people who think that such borrowings only litter our native language.

ConclusionAnglicizes:justified unjustified   Unfortunately, these words have become firmly established in our media and advertising. It

Слайд 7Thank you for you attention!

Thank you for you attention!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

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