Презентация, доклад к открытому бинарному занятию в рамках учебных дисциплин Иностранный язык и Технологии компьютерного 3D моделирования


The words of the lessona cap a hull a piston a sketch an extrusion a combination a cut an intersection to be highlightedunits of measurement to create specify save path edit the thickness

Слайд 1The words of the lesson
a cap – крышка
a hull – корпус

piston - поршень
a sketch - эскиз
an extrusion - экструзия, вытеснение
a combination - объединение
a cut - вырез
an intersection - пересечение
to be highlighted - быть выделенным, подсвеченным
units of measurement - единицы измерения
to create – создавать
to specify save path - указать путь сохранения
edit - редактировать
the thickness - толщина, плотность

The words of the lessona cap – крышкаa hull – корпусa piston - поршеньa sketch - эскизan

Слайд 2The words of the lesson
a cap
a hull
a piston

an extrusion
a combination
a cut
an intersection
to be highlighted
units of measurement
to create
specify save path
the thickness
The words of the lessona cap a hull a piston a sketch an extrusion a combination a

Слайд 3The cap
On your desktops you have got a sketch based on

given sizes:

Painting 20

The capOn your desktops you have got a sketch based on given sizes:Painting 20

Слайд 4First, apply the extrusion tool to the sketch.
The sketch button -

is an object selection button. In the middle there is a group of buttons without a title – the extrusion selection is made with their help. It may be a combination or a cut, or an intersection. For the first sketch only one button is active. It is the upper button combination . In the section of the border the type and extent of extrusion are indicated. The direction of extrusion is also indicated here .
First, apply the extrusion tool to the sketch.The sketch button - is an object selection button. In

Слайд 5Specify the extrusion distance – "10". - indicate

the stretch zone, it should be
highlighted (Painting 21). Units of measurement (millimeters) are set by default,
so you can do not specify them.

Painting 21

Specify the extrusion distance –

Слайд 6You will get the detail:
Painting 22

Save the detail named CAP on

your desktops
You will get the detail:Painting 22Save the detail named CAP on your desktops

Слайд 7The hull
To create a hull, you need to use the file

"cap". Open the "cap". Create a copy of the file named "hull".

File - Save As (specify save path) - "hull".

The hullTo create a hull, you need to use the file

Слайд 8To do this, make a right-click in the browser on the

desired element or sketches and select - Edit element or Edit sketch.
Select "Extrusion 1" in the browser, make a right-click on it, from the context menu (Painting 23) select the Edit element. In the dialog box, change the thickness to "200".

In Autodesk Inventor, you can edit parts or sketches.

To do this, make a right-click in the browser on the desired element or sketches and select

Слайд 9Edit the sketch by right-clicking in the browser - Edit sketch,

remove side elements and close the remaining area using primitives (Painting 25). Click to accept the sketch.

Edit the sketch by right-clicking in the browser - Edit sketch, remove side elements and close the

Слайд 10To create the next part of the details you need to

create a new sketch. Any verge or work plane of the detail can be set as a sketch plane.

Move the mouse cursor to the side verge of the hull - the verge will be highlighted - in the context menu (by right-clicking) select The new sketch (Painting 27).

To create the next part of the details you need to create a new sketch. Any verge

Слайд 11Then you need to create a new sketch: circle - "200"

and circle - "12", at a distance of 84 mm from the center (Painting 28).
Then you need to create a new sketch: circle -

Слайд 12Using the command "Circular array", create 6 holes. Specify to the

circle by clicking on the icon "Axis", select the center of the large circle (Painting 29).
Using the command

Слайд 13Squeeze on 20 mm and change the hull material to copper

(Painting 31).

Save the detail named HULL on your desktops.

Squeeze on 20 mm and change the hull material to copper (Painting 31).

Слайд 14The Piston
Now create a new sketch with the keys CTR+N on

the XY plane (Painting 32).

Painting 32

The PistonNow create a new sketch with the keys CTR+N on the XY plane

Слайд 15Then use the "rotation" command to extrude the cylinder (Painting 33).

Painting 33

Then use the

Слайд 16Using the "chamfer" command, create the 5 mm facet on the

top (Painting 34).

Painting 34

Using the

Слайд 17And now we are creating a new sketch on the XY

plane, because this plane goes through the center of the part (Painting 35).

Painting 35

And now we are creating a new sketch on the XY plane,  because this plane goes

Слайд 18You should create a new sketch on the flat as shown

(Painting 36).

Painting 36

You should create a new sketch on the flat as shown (Painting 36). Painting 36

Слайд 19Extrude a 20 mm sketch (Painting 37) and copy it with

the mirror tool (Painting 38)

Painting 37

Painting 38

Extrude a 20 mm sketch (Painting 37) and copy it with the mirror tool (Painting 38)Painting 37Painting

Слайд 20Create the last sketch and draw a 10 mm circle (Painting


Painting 39

Create the last sketch and draw a 10 mm circle (Painting 39) Painting 39

Слайд 21After it make a hole (Painting 40)
Painting 40

After it make a hole (Painting 40) Painting 40

Слайд 22In conclusion, we should do the 2 mm pairing along the

contour (Painting 41)

Painting 41

In conclusion, we should do the 2 mm pairing along the contour (Painting 41)Painting 41

Слайд 23And also 20 mm pairing on the top of the part

(Painting 42)

Painting 42

And also 20 mm pairing on the top of the part (Painting 42)Painting 42

Слайд 24It remains only to change the material of the piston to

cast iron (Painting 43)

Painting 43

Save the detail named PISTON on your desktops.

It remains only to change the material of the piston to cast iron (Painting 43) Painting 43

Слайд 25 The CAP


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