Презентация, доклад исследовательская работа Влияние компьютерных игр на изучение англ языка

Meet the criterion – соответствовать критериюResearch – исследование, исследоватьGenre – жанрImprove - улучшатьAverage – среднийAssess – оцениватьSkills – навыкиDescribe - описыватьPerspective - перспективаKey words

Слайд 1Исследовательская работа
Can computer games help to learn English?

Датчиева Татьяна Хусейевна

учитель английского языка
МКОУ СОШ №6 с.Октябрьского
Исследовательская работаCan computer games help to learn English?Руководитель: Датчиева Татьяна Хусейевна учитель английского языкаМКОУ СОШ №6 с.Октябрьского

Слайд 2Meet the criterion – соответствовать критерию
Research – исследование, исследовать
Genre – жанр

- улучшать
Average – средний
Assess – оценивать
Skills – навыки
Describe - описывать
Perspective - перспектива

Key words

Meet the criterion – соответствовать критериюResearch – исследование, исследоватьGenre – жанрImprove - улучшатьAverage – среднийAssess – оцениватьSkills

Слайд 3Introduction
My aim: determine if computer games can help
to learn English.

find at least 4 criteria to assess student's knowledge;
describe the author's experience of playing games;
describe the most popular genres of games;
conduct the research among the students
IntroductionMy aim: determine if computer games can help to learn English.The objectives: find at least 4 criteria

Слайд 4My hypothesis: Computer games can help to learn
the English language.

lot of parents and teachers think that playing computer games is bad for children. With help of this research we will find if it is true or maybe computer games can improve English skills. That's why the research can be really ACTUAL.
My hypothesis: Computer games can help to learn the English language.IntroductionA lot of parents and teachers think

Слайд 5 write in English correctly;
build English sentences correctly;
communicate in

the Internet in English;
understand English phrases and words.


A student can:

write in English correctly; build English sentences correctly; communicate in the Internet in English; understand English

Слайд 6Genres of computer games
turn-based strategies
Puzzle video games 

Genres of computer gamesShooter games turn-based strategies Puzzle video games 

Слайд 7Some facts about the author's experience

Some facts about the author's experience

Слайд 8Practical part
the 1st criterion
the 2nd criterion
the 3rd criterion
the 4th criterion

Practical partthe 1st criterionthe 2nd criterionthe 3rd criterionthe 4th criterionResults:

Слайд 9the 1st criterion

the 1st criterion69%

Слайд 10the 2nd criterion

the 2nd criterion9%

Слайд 11the 3rd criterion

the 3rd criterion22%

Слайд 12the 4th criterion

the 4th criterion40%

Слайд 13 we have reached the aim
computer games don’t help to

learn English
the hypothesis was not proved
few students improved their English skills


< 50%

we have reached the aim computer games don’t help to learn English the hypothesis was not

Слайд 14 can write only 2 names of games correctly;
can translate

1.3 names of games correctly;
have known less than one new word from computer games;
can’t make a sentence using words from games.


Average student: 

can write only 2 names of games correctly; can translate 1.3 names of games correctly; have

Слайд 15Can special educational games improve student's English skills without any efforts?

Can special educational games improve student's English skills without any efforts?Perspective

Слайд 16The list of the literature


The list of the literaturehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_genrehttp://www.break.com/c/pop-culture-videos/video-games/http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/release-date/new-releases/all/

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