Презентация, доклад How do I get there?

The aims of the lesson: a) to enlarge pupils vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation, b) to

Слайд 1 The theme: How do I get there?

The theme:   How do I get there?

Слайд 2The aims of the lesson: a) to enlarge pupils vocabulary, to

pay attention to their pronunciation, b) to develop pupils reading, writing, listening, speaking skills, c) to develop the interest to English language, to teach pupils to respect each other and the culture of other nations, to bring up them to love English language.
The aims of the lesson: a) to enlarge pupils vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation,

Слайд 3The type of the lesson:
mixed lesson.
The visual aids:
slides, pictures,

an interactive board.
The type of the lesson:								 mixed lesson.The visual aids: 	slides, pictures, an interactive board.

Слайд 4I.Warm up: - Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? - I have been

to London to look at the Queen - Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do there? - I frightened a little mouse under the chair.
I.Warm up: - Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? - I have been to London to look

Слайд 5II. Checking up the home task. Answer the questions.

1) Which room do

you like?
2) Is there a washing machine in your kitchen?
3) Are there carpets on the floor?
4) Are there cupboards in your kitchen?
5) Do you want to go to Japan?
6) Do you want to go to Russia?
7) What do you need?
8) Can I borrow your pen?
9) Is there a swimming pool in your school?

II. Checking up the home task. Answer the questions.	1)	Which room do you like?	2)	Is there a washing machine

Слайд 6III. Introductions of the New words.
Sleep [sli:p]- ұйықтау
Tidy[‘taidi]- тазалау
Help [help]- көмектесу

Right[rait]- оңға
Left[left]- солға
Straight[streit]- тура, тіке
III. Introductions of the New words.Sleep [sli:p]- ұйықтауTidy[‘taidi]- тазалауHelp [help]- көмектесуStreet[stri:t]- көшеRight[rait]- оңғаLeft[left]- солғаStraight[streit]- тура, тікеTurn[tә:n]-бұрылуStop[stop]-тоқтаSheet[Si:t]-парақBlock[blok]-квартал

Слайд 7IV. Listen and read.

Jennifer: - Come to my house after school.

- I can not. I have got to study.
Jennifer: - You can study at my house.
Asel: - Where do you live?
Jennifer: - We live at 20 Adams.
Asel: - How do I get there from school?
Jennifer: - Go straight on Main street. Go two blocks. Turn left on Washington. Right on Adams. Our house is on the right. It is not left.
IV. Listen and read.Jennifer: - Come to my house after school.Asel:    - I can

Слайд 8V. Grammar- ‘Have got to’ модальді етістігі
Ауызша сөйлеуде '' have

got to do, has got to do''міндетті, тиісті деген мағынада қолданылады.

I have got to write it We have got to write it.
You have got to write it You have got to write it.
He has got to write it They have got to write it.

Practice the grammar:
exercise-7 page 137

V. Grammar- ‘Have got to’ модальді етістігі Ауызша сөйлеуде '' have got to do, has got to

Слайд 9VI. Relaxation time.

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap

Look left, look right, look up, look down.
Turn round, sit down, touch something brown.

VI. Relaxation time. Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down. Look left, look right, look up,

Слайд 10VII. Orthographical game.
The words for the 1st- group:
ro…m, pl…te,

ta…ble, mir..or.

The words for the 2nd- group:
win…ow, ca..pet, b..d, ch..ir.

VII. Orthographical game. The words for the 1st- group: ro…m, pl…te, ta…ble, mir..or.The words for the 2nd-

Слайд 11VIII. Look point and say. Make up sentences in this picture.

VIII. Look point and say.	 Make up sentences in this picture.

Слайд 12IX. The game “ Bang- Bang”

IX. The game “ Bang- Bang”

Слайд 13X. Conclusion.

How do you get to England?

By bus, by train, by plane, by car,
by taxi, by helicopter, by boat.
X. Conclusion. How do you get to England?    By bus, by train, by plane,

Слайд 14XI. Giving homework and marks.

Exercise 13. Page 138.

XI. Giving homework and marks. Exercise 13. Page 138.

Слайд 15XII. Reflections.
Well done!/ Very good!/ Good!/ Not bad!

XII. Reflections.  Well done!/ Very good!/ Good!/ Not bad!

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