Презентация, доклад для урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме: Причины для изучения английского языка

The United Nations uses English not only as one of its official languages but also as one of its two working languages.

Слайд 1Презентация
на тему
«Причины, почему нужно
английский язык»

выполнена учителем английского языка

СШ №9 г. Ярцево

Рыжанковой Н.А.

Презентация на тему«Причины, почему нужно изучать английский язык»выполнена учителем английского языкаМБОУ СШ №9 г. ЯрцевоРыжанковой Н.А.

Слайд 2 The United Nations uses English not only as one of its

official languages but also as one of its two working languages.
The United Nations uses English not only as one of its official languages but also as

Слайд 3English is an easy language to study.

English is an easy language to study.

Слайд 4Geographically English is the most widespread language on Earth.

Geographically English is the most widespread language on Earth.

Слайд 5English is spoken by about 470 million throughout the world.

English is spoken by about 470 million throughout the world.

Слайд 6English is the official language of about 45 nations

English is the official language of about 45 nations

Слайд 7A lot of the world’s mail and telephone calls are in

A lot of the world’s mail and telephone calls are in English.

Слайд 8Thank you for attention! Good Luck!

Thank you for attention! Good Luck!2017

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