Презентация, доклад для 10 класса Should students wear school uniforms

Problem: the debate began when some educational institutions across the country started thinking of making it compulsory for every child to wear a uniform and some were forced to let go of that tradition. This led

Слайд 1 Should Students Wear School Uniforms?
Разработала : Морозова К.С.,
учитель английского языка,
г. Протвино,

МБОУ « Лицей»

Слайд 2

Problem: the debate began when some educational institutions across the country

started thinking of making it compulsory for every child to wear a uniform and some were forced to let go of that tradition. This led to a national debate, whereby people strongly voiced their opinions on this subject.
Objective: discuss the problem and decide if it’s compulsory to wear a uniform at school.
Problem: the debate began when some educational institutions across the country started thinking of making it compulsory

Слайд 3Key words: compulsory, to encourage discipline, a sense of identity, a

sense of belonging, prevalent, persuade, available, to show off, responsible, to maintain equality in a multicultural society, to take away smb.’s individuality , create a classless society , to be designed, convenience- inconvenience, to feel embarrassed

Key words: compulsory, to encourage discipline, a sense of identity, a sense of belonging, prevalent, persuade, available,

Слайд 4Background
What you wear, does influence how you feel about yourself, if

you take the opinion of others into consideration. Your child gets his first real world experiences, when he enters into school. Schools are microcosms of the real world, where they learn to develop and hone their skills. In a child's personal development at school, how much of a role does his external appearance really play? Ideally, it shouldn't play a large part but sociologists and psychologists have found that it is one of the prime factors that decides how a child is perceived and accepted by a peer group. Hence, what a child wears in school does matter and that's the reason why the use of uniforms is a touchy issue. The debate began when some educational institutions across the country started thinking of making it compulsory for every child to wear a uniform and some were forced to let go of that tradition. This led to a national debate, whereby people strongly voiced their opinions on this subject.
BackgroundWhat you wear, does influence how you feel about yourself, if you take the opinion of others

Слайд 5"Today I'm visiting Long Beach, California, a community that has helped

to restore order to its schools by requiring elementary and middle school students to wear uniforms... We've all seen the tragic headlines screaming of the death of a teenager who was killed for a pair of sneakers or jewelry or a designer jacket. In Detroit, a 15-year-old boy was shot for his $86 basketball shoes. In Fort Lauderdale, a 15-year-old student was robbed of his jewelry. Just this past December in Oxon Hill, Maryland, a 17-year-old honor student was killed at a bus stop, caught in the crossfire during the robbery of another student's designer jacket." (The American Presidency Project, The President's Radio Address)


If it means that the school rooms will be more orderly and more disciplined, and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside, instead of what they're wearing on the outside, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms." - Bill Clinton, former President of the United States, Long Beach, CA

Слайд 6Questions for discussion :

1)Study different opinions on this topic and

make your own decision

2)Ask and analyze the opinions of different generations to this question

3) Compare the attitude to the uniform in our country and English- speaking countries ( The USA, The UK)
Questions for discussion : 1)Study different opinions on this topic and make your own decision2)Ask and analyze

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