Презентация, доклад Autumn - осень на английском языке.

It is autumn.

Слайд 1Autumn/Fall

Подготовили: Деревяга А., Турышева А.,Прозорин А.

Autumn/FallПодготовили: Деревяга А., Турышева А.,Прозорин А.

Слайд 4It is autumn.

It is autumn.

Слайд 5Let's talk about autumn in Tuymen.

Let's talk about autumn in Tuymen.

Слайд 6Generally, in Russia autumn is a marvelous season, although it can

be really unpredictable.
It’s beautiful because the tree leaves turn into red, brown and yellow and it’s the most magnificent phenomenon of the season.
Generally, in Russia autumn is a marvelous season, although it can be really unpredictable.It’s beautiful because the

Слайд 7September is a time of very good weather, we still have

warm and bright days. Sometimes it is close and even hot for a few days, it is called an Indian summer and we hope it will keep fine.

The sun shines, the birds sing and citizen still wear t-shirts, shorts, skirts and dresses. The trees are still in leaf and everybody is happy.

September is a time of very good weather, we still have warm and bright days. Sometimes it

Слайд 8In the middle of September the weather starts to change for

the worse. It’s often rainy and it isn’t as warm as in summer.

Sometimes there is an unpleasant drizzling rain. Sometimes one can get into an autumn rainstorm, there also can be blasts of wind in late autumn.

In the middle of September the weather starts to change for the worse. It’s often rainy and

Слайд 9Autumn weather is often changeable. It's better to carry on an

umbrella during this season. Nobody enjoys a sudden cool wind and rainy weather after sunny spells.

The sky is overcast in autumn and there isn't enough sunlight for people. Swallows, nightingales, robins, swans and other birds leave for the south every autumn, especially in late autumn.
Late autumn is the saddest time when the leaves finally fall to the ground and the trees stay bare.

Autumn weather is often changeable. It's better to carry on an umbrella during this season. Nobody enjoys

Слайд 10But autumn isn’t such a gloomy season, especially for children who

adore walking in the puddles.

But autumn isn’t such a gloomy season, especially for children who adore walking in the puddles.

Слайд 11thank you for your attention!

thank you for your attention!

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